'Is Anyone Else Disturbed?': Lankford Cites Ad From Biden Nom's Thesis In Call Against Confirmation
Prior to Bureau of Land Management Director nominee Tracy Stone-Manning nomination advancing in a 50-49 vote in the Senate, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) urged his colleagues to vote "no."
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FYI tree spiking is pointless with the use of metal detectors in mills

They obtain land for penny’s by burning it first, just look at all the fires for the last decade. The trees are clear-cut and they then get paid to replant because of the fire even taking trees on private property under BS laws. Sierra Pacific industries prepped the land to burn years prior by culling all scrub oak and leaving dead standing fuel. They also used bake burn drones to spread the fire. The poison used to cull the trees is now found in the water “benzene” they say they don’t know how it got there.. Now you know. Cut bark poison method was used in Paradise CA. I have photos from 2016 to prove it. Just a coincidence the cull area burned right, Just a coincidence Sierra Pacific industries has a history of starting forest fires, Just a coincidence they profited immensely.

Thank you for sharing. And yes, it IS disturbing. But more than 'just a little girl' it is a 'WHITE' child, which, if one is HONEST about 'jew' control (yes, 'jews' who LOOK 'white' but ARE NOT, nor do they 'identify' as such) everywhere in the world. And so I took a moment to look into Tracy Stone Manning, and find that she is beholden to a JEW DONOR Tracy Stone-Manning is a longtime leader in several dark money environmental groups and a longtime Democrat party operative, including leading roles with Democrat Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) and former Gov. Steve Bullock (D-MT). While serving as State Director for Senator Tester, she received a very sizeable "personal loan" from a "friend" at roughly half the market rate. The 'friend' being one STUART GOLDBERG'.
Just wait until 'the world' learns that HITLER WAS RIGHT and that he DIED DEFENDING CHRISTIANITY.