BLACK GOO IN YOUR FOOD! Illuminati Depopulation Plot EXPOSED | Biosludged Full Documentary
THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO YOU! Biosludge is soylent green in real life. This isn't a conspiracy, biosolids poo in your food is a reality. While we've been sleeping they've snuck our own poop into the food supply this black goo is disgusting. This documentary is a must see and it just might make you think twice about what you are eating.
If you think this is just for the United States then you're wrong google bio sludge in your city or town and unless you live in Norway you are most likely eating it too! This video made me want to go vegan.. almost but I am now more careful to discover where my food comes from. Alex Jones of Infowars was right they are turning the frogs gay and this video proves it!
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The idiots that believe the eugenicists like Bill "the Cuck" Gates and all the elitists that want to depopulate 95% of the world claiming we are over populated .
Let me put something in perspective for all of you idiots, or those who have been indoctrinated to believe this retardation but have an open mind and an acceptance to truth.
I Live in Jacksonville Florida, Jacksonville Fl is about 25 BILLION square feet. You Can literally fit the entire global population OVER 3 TIMES in the city of Jacksonville Florida ALONE! and still have the entire globe free of humans!
We are no where close to being over populated. When you see this realization you will see that these Scum, LuciFAG worshipping shit stains on the world want power and control, and the only way to get it is to reduce the population to around 500 Million people globally in what that call "sustainable development" which is nothing more than Global Control.
Wake the Fuck Up People...

Send these LuciFAG worshipping shit stains on the world to the hell these cucks worship so dearly.
The time for justice under law is over,
There is no justice under law anymore.
Its time to spread justice under our own means.
Kill Them All
Murder The Evil..

What can we do as a common Family, Don't you think it's too late? It's Money and Power

thank you Mike Really ,zero comments about this film??