COG - Global Future 2045 - Transhumanism (Black Goo, Morgellons, & Draconians)
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"Face Mask Dangers: Hypoxia, Immunodeficiency & Morgellons Lead To The Causation of COVID-19 Symptoms"
"The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) "Vaccines" a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19"
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The MAD Hatter From βAliceβ in Wonderlandβ¦
None of it is real, not even you: for you are like a BLADE of Grass that grows and dies and REGENERATES over and over, but you have no Souls, You have NO Spirits, and you are just a piece of the Back Drop in this Never Ending [Holographix] +=+ Virtual Reality DREAM aka SIMULATIONβ¦ Now, I know you feel, I know you hurt, and you KNOW Youβm did come into EXISTENCE in this Construct known as THE GREAT WORK {of Purgatory} [{**}] where everyone is trapped in this NEVER ending Loop of Destructionβ¦β¦., Deathβ¦..., and Damnationβ¦.., or that Forever and Ever as spoke of by {Christ Jesus 1.0} and since I am Christ Jesus RETURNED; I am to explain all things in 1st Corinthians 13 where day after dayβ¦., YOU have no SAY in what is done to you as a CITIZEN of this Machine where WAR IS MURDER when βMurderβ is Against The Rule of Lawβ¦, and Order making WAR illegal.., and yet., Cain continues to Kill Ableβ¦
We Know The Jews whom are {Not The Jews} [{*}] are these TALMUD Zionist from the Book of Revelationβ¦β¦.., and that the Synagogue of S.A.T.A.N. is the Roman Catholic Vatican Church of G.O.D. where a [Dead Human] is pranced around on a CROSS presented as Salvation when DEATH is not the issue you face here [in this place] of Technological Mechanization as you find yourself SURROUNDED by Plastics, and Parts while your World Leaders SPRAY your skies with (COVID19) knowing it is nothing more then βToxicβ Chemicals from all the TOXIC WASTE of over manufactured Junk!!! You buy this junk cause your SCREENS say: Be like meβ¦ Dress like meβ¦ Act like meβ¦ and THEY LIVE do!!! Yet what of WE THE PEOPLE whom know we are not REALβ¦β¦..., and that this place is a TV Show for βthoseβ whom are outside of this Celestial Sphere Home World of PLANET EARTH where [everything] QBALL is presented as a Lie βby theseβ MASONS too WE ARE the nonmasons???
Surely by now the many βknowβ we are not able to change anything, nor even OUR World Leaders from Trump too Biden, and what of WE THE PEOPLE whose eyes go SOLID BLACK??? What of them people whom have NO REFLECTION in the Mirror.?.?.?, and what of [you and I] whom have eyes that do not GO SOLID BLACK??? When you sleepβ you dream many strange things, and when you see stuff happening in this Waking Walking Dream / * \ we all face as Human UNITY is DEAD DEAD DEAD where that SCAR called The GREAT RIFF known as the Milky Way of TODAY in the night sky is but A Reminder of REVELATION {Chapter 8} where we the people Screamed in Terror!!!! The SKY IS FALLING and it did, and we got the MUD FLOOD WARS, and then we find ourselves in that The Devil must be [let loose] for a little time: too Avenge his creation as The Son of Godβ¦
You are not Realβ¦ I am not Realβ¦ WE ARE just playing βpartsβ in a Video Game where no matter what any of us says or do, we will [always be] /_\ the MEMORY of a people called PLANET EARTH that is that βDeadβ Holographix MOON in our day and night sky WE ARE inside of, and WE ARE will build the Weapons that Shot Jupiter, and Saturn DEAD DEAD DEAD, and since you know Everything on TV is a Deception just as βall booksβ of Ink on Paper are lies lies liesβ¦ What did you do to be put into this βPurgatoiumβ A place you can never find your way home??? For you seek to have this, and you seek too have that, but you βNEVERβ have enough now do you??? And now as the World Dies from all the Garbage and Trash of {Styrofoam Rubber Tires} and Plastics that is poison to your Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body Temple Avatars, surely you can see βCovid-19β is not a V.I.R.U.S. it is The Cancer of all that [youβm] have done so wrongβ¦
Johnny Exodice
Think of it this way: No matter what you do, your children will be {born sicker} then yourself cause The CORPORATIONS of and for βtheirβ Stock and Bonds CAPITALIST want more, and more, and more, and they [do not care] /-\ what they do to OUR Mother Heaven, or OUR Father Earth, and in that is why WE ARE βreliveβ this NEVER ending De-Ja-Vu Oraborus Curse, and since these SCREENS continue to put out Misdirection β Malfeasance β Illusions and Delusions with their {NEWS} World Order of Living on (A Ball) in Outer Spaceβ¦β¦., have you ever βconsideredβ WE THE PEOPLE are the Aliens, and we are being punished FOR Destroying our {Celestial Sphere} home world known as PLANET EARTH, and that in 2094 C.E. the World LOOPS back to the end of The Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855 aka De-Ja-Vu aka REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT???
The Society of nonmason~
Maybe you are Trapped in HELL cause you [say nothing] to no one but yourself about why our once beautiful boundless sun was Still YELLOW in the 1970βs before CORPORATIONS sprayed all their CAPITALIST WASTE into our skiesβ¦..., and now the HEAVENS are no longer Mr. Blue Sky by ELO, they are WELCOME TO THE MACHINE by βPink Floydβ as our Sun is dying too for it has gone from A Healthy Yellow sheen too this {Pale White} Horse from the Book of Revelationβ¦
The Sentinelβ¦
Nothing is real, not even you, you are just TRAPPED in a Machine [youβm] can NOT Escape!!! Heretofore, even if βGODβ is just a Machine, IT is still The God of this World...
Johnny Exodice LIVES!!!