Best & Taylor Intel (8/20/2021): End Times Signs Everywhere! Satan's Jabs! GLOBAL Mask Mandates? Head's Way Up!
War Rumbles, Lockdowns, Kill Shots, Drought, Famine, Israel, Isaiah 17 and More…
America is going down rapidly as the people go ever deeper into comatose sleep almost on all fronts. Warnings and signs from the Lord appear almost daily now but very few are paying any attention, and most are busy mocking those that are pointing out how late the hour is. Meanwhile Israel is attacking Syria, and Russia may be drawn into this fight. Then we have the home front of the Jab with thousands now perishing as the government hides the real truth of millions slowly perishing. Now they want the kids to be sacrificed to Satan via the jab and the parents says nothing whatever to this mass slaughter. Meanwhile Earth changes abound as the Lord moves upon a nearly dead and dying planet to close this era down and begin a new one and more… —Stewart Best
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Time is running out for mankind – even for the vast majority of Christians who think they are going to Heaven but are not – just as Jesus said. A DELUSION OF A SALVATION THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
The Bible is clear - only 1 in 1000 Christians is actually BORN AGAIN.
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False Salvation — Is It Possible?
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2)
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