Best & Taylor Intel (2/5/2021): 30 Pieces of Silver — 'They Are All in League with Satan'
Biden, Martial Law, Lock Downs, Reset, Arrival, Ultimate Truth, Delusions, Earth Changes
The people of America/Babylon are watching all of their freedoms being taken away by a totally lawless government without much resistance. A sad thing to watch a nation that valued freedom and liberty at one time descend into one of the worst police states in the world, slipping into deep communism. Meanwhile Biden, with his payouts to the masses is starting the drift into universal income giving humanity 30 pieces of silver to fool them into the coming MARK SYSTEM, most likely by the CV-19 situation the world is in. Then we have earth changes and star signs, Israel and the possibility of TRUMP coming back to claim he won the election and more... —Stewart Best
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Time is running out for mankind – even for the vast majority of Christians who think they are going to Heaven but are not – just as Jesus said. A DELUSION OF A SALVATION THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
The Bible is clear - only 1 in 1000 Christians is actually BORN AGAIN.
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False Salvation — Is It Possible?
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2)
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"The Dark/Light Series" (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) — A Guide to Authentic Salvation:
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