Best of Michael Collins Piper (MCP) May 2009 Alex Jones the liar who slanders Hitler & Nazis
my notes:
16 Defend America First - speeches
20 Abu Ghraib commander= john Israel
Christian Defence League CDL
26 Swiss Banks
30 Alan Watt = scum
43 Did Hitler have bad points
50 Lindsay calls - Cynthia McKenney links
58 911 Kalik Sheik Muhammad = Mossad
911 follow the money
1.09 controlled media
1.14.40 I write about Jewish power in the USA
email - good Jews bad Jews, kol Nidre, Rhom Emanuel
propaganda definition
1.25 Jim passed away
1.37 ugly female Jewish creature
John Demjanjuk 29,000 murders
Jews attack Hugo Chavez
1.52 french comedian
1.55 Obama pushing Israel to against WMD
crime of the century
the Black Dahlia (Elizabeth Short) = Jewish murderers
2.08 hate crimes bill
2.12 ADL have a "no debate" policy.
2.18 phone click
Cynthia McKinney
2.32 quote from Winston Churchill & Ghandi regarding Hitler,
FDR should be hung,
Pearl Harbour hidden facts
Churchill was planning to use anthrax cakes to murder Germans (operation vegetarian)
most people can't read
2.44 German Shepherd story with Hitler
history channel = Hitler channel
Matias Chang book 'the shadow money lenders'
3.02 Bilderberg in Greece
3.12 Golem
3.18 Alex Jones & Jason Bermas = scum - Jews don't control the media, Hitler and Nazis rule the world
everything is blamed on the Nazis
3.29 Silvia Stolz in jail for defending Ernst Zundel re holocaust
3.50 quote by Marc Ellis regarding Jewish power
3.53 quote by Jew Goldstein "Jews control Hollywood"
3.56 Hitler closed down the Masonic lodges
Alex Jones the liar & shill
4.19 Julius Streicher (murdered by Jews) description by David Irving before hearing
4.24 Daily Mail
4.32 Wes calls Jason - recorded
quote from Adam Weishaupt the Jew
DBS Rothschild
4.50 Mark Glenn - to be against Jesus is to be against Jews
5.16 Alex Jones lying that Nazis control Bilderberg Group. reality is: Rothschild controls Bilderberg
5.24 Pope at whining wall
Jews force schools to remove cross
Bilderberg - Meyer Lansky - Tibor Pinkus Rosenbaum
5.42 Jacob Javits attended Bilderberg
5.50 Netanyahu 3 lessons after Idi Amin exterminated his brother - Netanyahu the nut / psycho
5.56 Cecil Rhodes= Rothschild frontman
MCP grandfather business partner with Carnegie
6.10 German colony in Palestine 1868 Serona
6.18 Jewish judge ordered chemotherapy onto cancer child
6.25 Mossad was planning to murder George Bush
communism = Talmud
6.36 2nd Reich Germany - Gladiator
caller regarding Nazis
Brooke Shearer - Bill Clinton = CIA
7.15 George Soros
7.20 modern art = Jewish
7.25 David Irving - Hitler saved Europe
Alex Jones the scum
7.41 review of Holocaust movie
8.03 Dr David Duke
8.09 Barbara Von Gets - GLR secretary
8.24 book "Waters flowing eastward" = protocols
Council gives money to 4 different Jewish groups - cultural
8.34 Talmud uses code words
8.40 MCP breaks friendship with big shot lawyer
8.54 Eric Hufschmid breaks up with Bollyn
Jewish email - Federal reserve
9.13 Jewish snuff films - child rape torture murder
9.15.20 JRM Oprah
9.17 Rothschild - the richest family on the planet
Michael Hoffman on holocaust ianity

Note: My archive channel is now fully blocked Please feel free to upload any of my videos to other channels / platforms / sites.. As i have said previously, i recommend that you download everything that i have uploaded, since Rothschild and his soldiers are relentlessly attacking on the censorship front. I don't know how long i will be able to upload, as i believe that they will attack every location that i upload. Link to all my uploads
relevant links
Waters Flowing Eastward - The War Against the Kingship of Christ 1953 L Fry (Protocols, Henry Ford)
The Truth About The Talmud (intro by Vasili) by Michael A Hoffman II and Alan R Critchley
Michael A. Hoffman II – 1 of 5 Judaism's Strange Gods - The origins of Judaism, Talmud 2000
The Israel Lobby & American Policy 2018 CIA & Mossad -Jefferson Morley & Prof Col Lawrence Wilkerson
By Way of Deception (The Making of a Mossad Officer) 1990 Victor Ostrovsky (and Claire Hoy) + list
The Jew as Criminal by Julius Streicher 1937 What Linguistics and Statistics Show 2 The Jew in Court 3 Fences and Thieves 4 Imposters 5 Swindlers and Racketeers "You must become rich" 6 Gambling Cheats ( Bolshevik revolution, Rusputin) 7 Pimps and White Slavers
8 Sexual Offenders BANNED 9a Murderers (1 of 3) 9b 9c
MCP Final Judgment JFK Assassination 6th Ed 2005 – Michael Collins Piper
MCP Final Judgment JFK Assassination presentation