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Sons Of Liberty Media

Michael Collins Piper's 3-hr - Mark Weber Exposed (circa 2001), Jan 20, 2024

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Published on 21 Jan 2024 / In News and Politics

How Mark Weber of the IHR ripped off Willis Carto for millions of dollars, according to MCP.
Long audio but well worth listening to. The whole story.

Mike (Collins) Piper's lonely battle to expose the Jewish takeover of the IHR

Revisionist: It’s Time To Quit Shoah Fight By Nathaniel Popper January 16, 2009

One of the primary leaders in the fight to question and delegitimize the Holocaust has proclaimed that fight to be a lost cause, sparking a furious debate among his cohorts. Mark Weber, a telegenic Californian, has served for 15 years as director of the Institute for Historical Review, which was founded in the late 1970s as a center for people dedicated to doubting and criticizing mainstream histories of the Holocaust. This month, however, Weber released an essay on the institute’s Web site, questioning whether this work has ever had any relevance. Weber argued that Holocaust revisionists are unlikely to have any success in convincing large numbers of people. “It’s been almost 30 years, and Holocaust revisionism has gotten almost no support in academic circles or society at large,” Weber told the Forward. “It’s gotten some support in Iran, or places like that, but as far as I know, there is no history department supporting writing by these folks.” The argument in Weber’s essay, “How Relevant Is Holocaust Revisionism?” might appear, at first glance, to be good news for the Jewish organizations that have fought against Holocaust revisionists. But in his essay, Weber calls for his movement to shift to a new mission, one more purely directed to fighting against “Jewish-Zionist power.”

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Sons Of Liberty Media