Beating 5 Scam Arcade Games With Science - Mark Rober and Crunch Labs Demonstrate Practical Engineering
Have you ever wondered if arcade games were rigged, or if you could build a device to beat the house? This video is for you. Even if you haven't thought about it, this is a great video for learning engineering, for homeschoolers, and for makers of all shapes and sizes.
Mark Rober has a distinguished online career. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Mechanical Engineering, and the University of Southern California. He then worked for NASA on the Curiosity Rover (now on Mars) as well as Apple.
However, he is best known for his science and engineering focused videos. The first video he posted was of a Halloween costume with two iPads that created the appearance of a hole in his body, which went viral with over a million views. He also produced a series of successful glitterbomb videos to deter porch pirates. His videos of a squirrel obstacle course have also been very popular. So far he has won 9 Streamy awards, and the Webby "Film and Video Person of the Year."
Mark Rober ~ Beating 5 Scam Arcade Games With Science ~ 2022, with Memes ~ Rsxao9ptdmI ~ 720p.mp4

Good information, enjoyable video

Mark Rober is great at making these videos, for kids, and for adults who still like to be kids.

It is smart to have your children watch this video before going to the arcade!

The punching bag was really interesting.
White Lives Matter!

Very interesting. He is a very bright engineer who also is very good at explaining and presenting his work.