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Barking Heard After I Film Them

Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis - 223 Views
Published on 18 May 2021 / In Film and Animation

I challenge any and all self-appointed researchers. That waste people's time by speaking only. Unless you stand in the middle of their homes. You know nothing of this subject. All I hear is Bigfoot. You know nothing of the word Bigfoot. Everything you're speqking about is a friend of his. I have 500 places I have very few where "Bigfoot" exist. you're standing there with a camera on your face talking about a creature that actually isn't the creature you're talking about. 98% of everyone involved with this in public with a following has no idea what they're talkin about. If you do these should have no problem speaking to me live in front of everybody. Because you know there is nobody on Earth you could talk to except me. That instantly would expose you as a fraud. there's limited people on this Earth that understand this subject. And are meant to. The rest I think we should just let them talk to the blue in the face cuz it keeps them distracted. They're not meant to know. People are liars and deceivers. it's getting really really old I have about a 1% tolerance at this point. have a great day :-)
guess what? There will be no video. There will be no one that will speak to me. Because they all know. And most people secretly get all the information for my channel pretend as if they didn't steal everything I said. And then go off and tell people that seem not to know about us pretending they've done what I have.

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