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Banned video - Friar Alexis Bugnolo on vaccine deaths awaiting society

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 9,901 Views
Published on 22 Aug 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism

Strong words from Friar Alexis Bugnolo on the horrors of the Covid vaccine. I've heard before from more than one person that all those who have taken the vaccine will be dead in a couple of years. I do think it's unfortunately a good possibility without divine intercession. What he says that is interesting, for those of us who have not had the vax, is that our world as we know it may very well be shaken upside down. I'm sharing it in case this does come to pass, that it helps prepare us for what could happen. Also, I love to share a good banned video and according to where I saved it from this has been 'banned everywhere' so, it must be good, right? ;)
PS. We don't know how many have actually taken the vaccine - who can trust fake news these days? And also, how many have taken the placebo. So, there's hope. And for those reading this who've take the vaccine, check my covid playlist for supplements to help you detox this poison.

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2 Comments sort Sort by

Jiggles 4 years ago

I'm not recieving. On one hand you call these jabbees "stupid/morons/idiots"..etc. Then you suddenly get emotional and say they deserve a proper burial. So im going to fix it for you.

God have mercy on those who couldn't discern the times we are in, only you can judge their heart.
I'm not going to buy a hazmat suit. I'm not going to bury anyone. If need be.. We'll cremate them on their front lawn and take their names down.

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gonana3 4 years ago

They most certainly are spreading something.

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