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B-25 flight at Pittsburgh - Butler Regional Airport August 18, 2018

Limb Reaper
Limb Reaper - 189 Views
Published on 08 Jul 2020 / In Travel and Events

Flew in the Collings Foundation B-25 "TONDELAYO" at Pittsburgh - Butler Regional Airport August 18, 2018. It was a nice ride. Better view in the front once you can make it to the nose. Unless you've been in this before you really haven't a clue where is best to sit, unlike the B-24 where you can roam around to all the stations, the B-25 is separated by a very small crawl space from the rear and bomb bay. The shame is, is that these flights are understandably costly; not an everyday thing to do. If there is ever a next time I hope it will be a sponsored trip, paid by a producer.

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