AWAKENING! Greatest Global Tyranny Humanity Has EVER Seen Will Undoubtedly Birth A New Era Of Enligh
AWAKENING! Greatest Global Tyranny Humanity Has EVER Seen Will Undoubtedly Birth A New Era Of Enligh

i am a conservative, sadly not enough have a backbone

Adam Green says hes not Anti-semetic, they are not secretly planning this but openly going full Anti-christ with the intention all will server their fake mesiah's temple ugeTube hid this on my wall?
. . . https ://ugetube. com/watch/ facilitating-a-anti-christ_rGhyX7xGWPiPMqi.html

Its crystal clear all The DemonRATS are satanic Criminals, AND I'm only a Republican...because I needed to VOTE FOR TRUMP !

Democrats?? Republicans? Thats our choice?? Most of the So called republicans are Rino's...ITS a DC Fucking CLOWN CIRCUS !!...THIS American is a war time Veteran, USMC..out in 73', A Tax Payer, And I call Myself a PATRIOT!...GOD AND OUR UNTOUCHED CONSTITUTION!! / BILL OF RIGHTS...anything else is a LIE &TREASON!! PERIOD!