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Authoritarian Deception 100% (You Won't Believe What Happens In The End)

OurCurrentReality - 490 Views
Published on 18 Nov 2020 / In Film and Animation

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what should you do after the rapture?:

we are our current reality we're the truth unashamed, unafraid a group of people producing inspirational truth thru conversation wholly unusual in the forum and with perfect timing, we capture the moments giving you new uploads every week as you listen to our albums, singles, sermons, videos and recordings you'll see that we are blatantly, unashamed and unafraid to come against the powerful institutions of religion discussions of any sort. we don't advocate violence, as we battle a spiritual battle where truth and hard-documentation from the written word are the weapons of the day; and are confident that If elohim be for us, then none in the world can overcome us, knowing that the gates of hell herself cannot prevail. our goal for the audience who never heard of us is to inspire a active engagement with focused groups of new loyal listeners

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3 Comments sort Sort by

Bodhi Searcher
Bodhi Searcher 4 years ago

Hope you’re doing well, Yokas!

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Mad Skills
Mad Skills 4 years ago

I mean, it would be really annoying if I lived there, and there was someone outside being loud.

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Comrade Pikachu
Comrade Pikachu 4 years ago

No I won't believe it.

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