Australian Minister Says Vaccine Doubters Are “Disbelievers”
Owen covers the latest tyranny out of Australia where authorities treat Big Pharma like a religion.

"Disbelievers" almost impies that this covid crap is a religion, and people are being persecuted as heretics...

It is so very easy to disbelieve all of the cov19 SCAM.....To this day NO ONE has proven any imaginary cov19 bug to actually exist....No country in the entire world has bothered to identify or isolate this never found imaginary bug. PROVE ME WRONG IF YOU CAN.....but so far NO ONE has come forward to claim the 1.5 million dollar prize being offered to ANYONE who can prove the actual existence of this never found , never isolated imaginary bug. Is it possible that this covid scam is just another massive hoax on the people ....YES.....IT IS... So ANYONE who claims to have any proof of the existence of this SCAM demic imaginary bug are advised to come forward to claim your 1.5 million dollar prize.....Bet you can't, bet you don' until the first imaginary bug is proven to exist it makes all the SON OF follow on ones just another LIE from your very corrupt government.....and on the other side of this coin Please be aware that YOUR Stupidity in believing that all these SON OF variants ARE REAL IS ALSO NOT COMPULSORY...especially when there is not one shred of proof available to support all the lies of your current very corrupt government...

For Nothing Is Hidden That Shall Not Be Made Manifest, Neither Anything Hid That Shall Not Be known And Come Abroad.
LUKE 8.17

Im a Kiwi, when the Ozzies have had enough, there will be hell to pay. Ozzies are natural fighting men, just as we Kiwis are, any doubts on this, Google ANZAC the Australia New Zealand Army Corps and see our history and you will find that we fear no man in war, and tyrannical little pervert New World Order politicians will be extremely lucky if they face trial, they're more likely Tarred and Feathered and swinging off Sydney Harbour their neck. Kiwis are growing very annoyed at our commie tyrant that has evolved out of our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, who stated on TV, "Only listen to the Govt for ALL your Covid info" Well known people in history she borrowed the lines off were, Stalin, Goebbels, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot but to name a few, so she is in distinguished company tyrannically. Lets Go Lucinda.