Australia Issues Warrants For 'COVID Suspects,' Suspects Must MARK Homes, Internment Camps Next
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Nazi Globalist have overthrown the slaves of Australia. Bow you peasants your masters demand it.

The time for speaking up has long passed. The government control the majority of the media outlets. It's the age old question " if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it or hear it , did the tree really fall "? You can have all the free speech you want, but if no one can hear your free speech, what good is it? Little secret here, the deep state really does not give a damn if you listen to Rush Limbaugh ( RIP ) or watch right leaning videos over the internet. As long as you sit on your ass in your room, and restrict your activities to listening to right leaning radio stations and watching right leaning videos over the internet, the deep state does not care. You have essentially quarantined yourself and the Deep State didn't have to lift a finger. You have aided the Deep State The real reason Trump scares the hell out of the Deep State is because with a word he can get tens of thousands of people to get off their asses and go stand in long lines just to go to a political rally. Trump gets people off their ass, that is the only thing that scares the deep state.