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AT-94 9mm Carbine: "The MP5 You Never Had" by Nutnfancy

Nutnfancy - 723 Views
Published on 05 Apr 2018 / In People and Blogs

Out of all the submachine guns made to date, the MP5 is probably the coolest. It looks cool, it's durable, it's lightweight, and it's proven. We've been watching all versions of the MP5 in action in movies and the news. But it's also a select fire weapon and that puts it out of reach for most of its fans. Enter the best factory-produced MP5 clone ever made: the MKE AT-94 9mm carbine. Produced in an H&K licensed MP5 submachinegun factory in Turkey, it's probably as close as you'll get to the MP5 without spending a true fortune. It offers most of the quality and shootability of its full auto counterpart. Some of the history of the amazing MP5 and some of its previous H&K civilian counterparts are covered in the video. I too was enamored with the MP5 for both its image and capabilities but I still look at the AT-94 with 20/20 vision and approached this extensive test with an open mind. Sadly it loses out the the MP5 in handling and weight, being condemned by legalities to wearing a 16" barrel. I recommend, where legal, you SBR this sucker and regain the MP5 form factor. Also you are buying a project gun: expect a sizeable expense and time requirement to get your AT-94 922R compliant (discussed). As it was imported, the AT-94 arrives in ugly and ridiculous garb. Three versions were imported: The AT-94P, AT-94K, and the carbine. In shooting 100s of rounds, the AT-94 was stellar. It exhibited outstanding accuracy and reliability, even with aluminum cased ammo. When cleaned, lubed, and ran with brass ammo, reliability will be 100%. Recoil impulse is minimal and the trigger is adequate. The sights are difficult to master using the A3 style retractable stock shown; practice helps. A fixed stock would be preferred. Firepower with the 30 rd mags is excellent and the H&K MP5 mags fit in the P and K models, functioning 100%. As a carbine, this gun weighs nearly 8 lbs as configured as well and that in itself is a deal breaker for me (mags are heavy too). Going the SBR route will lighten it up a lot but that is again more coin. POUs are discussed both my PCC Philosophy vid ( and in this vid, mostly centering on recreational and collectible coolness. Value is also low on this gun. It is expensive to buy ($1200 at the time), expensive to add accessories, and expensive to upgrade to 922R compliancy And in the end the gun is no more capable than a good KelTec Sub-2000 or even Hi-Point 995 which have great track records in TNP. As required by law, the AT-94 is afterall stuck in the realm of semi-autos. The true calling of this form factor is as a submachine gun. Imported by American Tactical Imports at one time (maybe again in the future), the AT-94s still reached the levels of excellence previously possessed only by the MP5. As such, if you always wanted that cool MP5 and can deal with the expense, you should be quite happy with this quality firearm.//////////////////////Nutnfancy Likability Scale: 5 out of 10//////////////////////////////////// Music: "ElDudio" at /////////////////JOIN THE NRA AND DONATE TO NRA/ILA MONTHLY

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