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Assembly Principles, by F B Hole, on Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast

Irving Risch
Irving Risch - 100 Views
Published on 08 Jun 2023 / In Spiritual

Assembly Principles
Writings by F B Hole are being presented by Irv Risch on the Down to Earth But
Heavenly Minded Podcast.
This Audio/Video covers the following:
Assembly Principles
God Reveals Truth To Us
All Truth Is Found In The Holy Bible
The Body of Christ and The House of God
Christ As Head
Order, Godliness, and Holiness In The Church
Professing Christianity
Church Connections?
Present Conditions?
Scriptural Authority
Separation From Evil
Without The Camp and False Teachers
Dangers Constantly Threaten
Divisions and a Circle of Meetings
A Select Company?
Closing Remarks

Editor's Introduction
Mr. Frank B. Hole's Assembly Principles has been chosen as Volume Four of the Christian Update Series because of its logical, complete, and unique approach to the truth of the Assembly — the true Church of God composed of all believers of this dispensation.
The truth of the Assembly as presented in Scripture is almost lost today as far as the masses of God's dear people are concerned. Believers are so caught up in the various denominations — the churches-of-men — that the truth of the Assembly as God sees it and as given in His Word seems out of place and even strange.
Even those of us who have some knowledge of the Assembly tend to slip into thoughts and practices that are not supported by Scripture. We need to have our thoughts brought into line with God's thoughts about His Assembly and I believe that this pamphlet by Mr. Hole will help us to clearly see God's thoughts, as well as to help others learn the basic truth of the Assembly.
Mr. Hole was born in England about 1880. For many years before his death in 1964, he was a well-known, beloved, and respected Bible-teacher among the English assemblies. During his lifetime, Mr. Hole wrote a number of pamphlets such as Assembly Principles (which was first published about 1920). He also wrote three well-known books, The Great Salvation, Foundations of Faith, and Outlines of Truth. The Great Salvation is Vol. 5 of the Christian Update Series. Foundations of Faith and Outlines of Truth, the Lord willing will be the subject of future volumes.
Mr. Hole uses the words church and assembly interchangeably, which might cause some confusion. The Greek word ecclesia is used in the New Testament to describe both the true universal Church of God, comprised of all believers, and also the local church or assembly. The word means called out ones. The English word assembly is thus a better translation of ecclesia than the word church. But as long as we know its true meaning, either church or assembly can be used without problems. The main problem with the word church is that people get it mixed up with some church-building or some denomination (the Baptist church, etc.). Neither of these is a correct use of ecclesia.
I pray that the Lord will further use this 1977 edited edition of Assembly Principles to help many of the Lord's dear people to more clearly see both the truth of the true Assembly (Church) and whether or not their own Church-position is pleasing to God as a part of His Assembly.
All Scripture-quotations are from the New Scofield Reference Bible. Old word-endings have been updated to their modern equivalents. Also, the old-English pronouns thee, thou, and thine have been updated to their modern equivalents except where the reference is to Persons of the Godhead.
Every effort has been made to include many references throughout the pamphlet. Therefore, please read this pamphlet with an open Bible. You don't want to get Mr. Hole's or my opinion about the Bible but the clear truth of Scripture which can only be obtained by making sure that everything that you read is solidly backed up by the Word of God as revealed to you through prayer and study by the Holy Spirit.
Roger P. Daniel

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