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Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Documentary | Robots | Future Economy | AI | Internet

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 252 Ansichten
252 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 26 Aug 2020 / Im Film & Animation

We think of robots as primarily being in factories; but the reality is that lawyers, accountants and even artists, are facing a future in which their livelihoods are threatened by artificial intelligence. From self-driving Tesla cars, to robo-journalists writing news by algorithm, artificially intelligent comedians, to state-of-the-art sex-robots, we are facing a future where vast swathes of the population will indeed surrender their job to machines. But Anne-Marie asks, is there also an opportunity: to adapt to a radically changing future, to adopt the technology, and to harness the rise of the robots for our own good?

Will A Robot Steal My Job?
Genre: Documentary, World Affairs
Runtime: 0h 53min
Language: English

Storyline: Artificial intelligence is developing at breakneck speed, but what does this mean for the job market? Anne-Marie Tomchak, science journalist and the UK Editor of Mashable, investigates how robots could be on course to render the skills of much of the world’s population obsolete, and asks the question - are any of our jobs safe? In a series of exclusive interviews, Anne-Marie will speak to tech gurus, futurologists, including best-selling author of Rise of the Robots Martin Ford, and some of the world's most advanced roboticists to find out how the rise of the machine in an age of increasing automation, is already invisibly shaping all of our lives.


#documentaries #economy #docs


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 Jahre vor  

Too all the Boogaloo of MS13 our Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition known as The Society of nonmason AT WAR IS MURDER with all FREE MASONIC Lodges in our nations, countries, and States, let us be EVER [Vigilant] Q’ too find places to Gather and Congregate where we do not have to wear these FAKE JEWS “Face Mask” of PROJECT BLUE BEAM (COVID19) JADE HELM 15 called {Jesuit Zionist} / * \ ROMAN CATHOLIC World Empire Military known as U.N. Troops in our police, our military, and our Governments doing their SEDITION – Treachery – High Treason as Traitors to OUR Cities, OUR Provinces, and Our Counties as THE LAW of them FREE MASON C.O.P.S. called “G4S” and such the like!!!

We are not a people afraid to die for we know Christ Jesus did make it back, and walks among WE THE PEOPLE in one of our Mortal Corporeal Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body TEMPLE Avatars, and you can call him Buddha, Mohammad, Christ, or even God, but he is one with we whom held true to decent kind PRODUCTIVE Behavior as all GOVERNMENTS, and all RELIGIONS live off our Welfare known as Gifts, and Donations, and Charity called TAXES too them Incubus and Succubus of the U.N. {NEWS} World Order CDC WHO IMF WTO EMPIRE of [PizzaGATE] #QANON /_\ Satanist where Demons and Devils [fill the minds] Q+ of Every Hollywood to Bollywood SPORTS Relgious Lucifer FALLEN STARS!!!!

It would NOT be against The God of Gods our God of HUMANITY to try and STOP WW3 from proceeding any further……., and if it be the Will of The Spirits may no Nuclear Bombs Drop on Seattle Washington on ELECTION NIGHT of {November 3rd, 2020} to kick off all out HYDROGEN HOLOCAUST War with China – Iran – Russia as NATO plans to do Domination of this World, and yet we know even China – Iran – Russia have “U.N. Troops” called REX 84 for Agenda 21 + 30…

That said, do what you can where YOU live {My nonmason} /-\ too remove the Racka from your People, and as Romantic Warriors let all FACTIONS of Humans fight as one unified Front called Pak-Toe against all U.N. FLAGS of this {NEWS} World Order For PURGATORY “should” NOT be a place of Damnation…..., but one of Regrets…., Reconsiderations…..., and Reconciliation with OUR GOD the Creation of all “be we” male and female…

The Oracle of and for OUR God “of and for” WE THE PEOPLE has so spoken…

The Green hat`

PS. Life is very Simple by the RULE and LAW of {Our God} Q+ down here in Purgatory, WE ARE don’t approve “of them” whom Do Evil……., and then Do malfeasance on the TV SCREENS too cover up [Their Crimes] +=+ against Our God as they lie about everything in our HOME TOWNS as FREE MASON Lodge Members of (COVID19)…

The Southern Republic…

Once you learn BIG WORDS no matter [The Religions] Q` used too OPPRESS you my people, we can become “The Miracles” of OUR GOD……., and live a life {worthy of death} to be Judged by the God of Gods, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings once OUR Human life-walk here in PURGATORY comes to an end…

The Sentinel...

One more point to take into CONSIDERATION… Avast Browser and VPN do not Prevent (FREE MASON) Covid19 Agents of CIA – Mossad - NSA -DOD and other {Evil Spirits} [{**}] from hacking the Windows SYSTEMS, and Apple O/S….

Theretofore, Stick with UNBUNTU [{*}] or RED HAT……., or Linux Mint, and Work off a USB my “nonmason” CIA DOD Mossad and NSA if you must…., Also… The U.N. FLAGS are not just banning Coins, and soon to be Paper Money, but now they are Saying: there is NO MORE Aluminum to Make Aluminum Cans….., and you are NOT allowed to “Recycle” Aluminum anymore in this U.N. {NEWS} World Order….

The Commander~


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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 Jahre vor

And The Teacher Spoke…, Doubt is actually a good thing, for without Question, you will follow a Man or a Wombman too your DOOM!!! Since we know the Holy Bible and all the others from the KORAN to That TALMUD are man made FREE MASON Lodge Members books to keep we the nonmason under their MIND CONTROL, and too use Intimidation Tactics of DO AS I SAY, or MY GOD will kill you!!!! We The People whom are nonmason can now see that FREE MASON Lodge Members are the true infestation of (COVID19) in all our lands “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition……., and as we have proven’ these FREE MASON Families have incest to keep their BLOOD LINES PURE, Sick, Profane, DEPLORABLE FILTH, we have done well too [hijack the] #QANON /_\ movement…….., and make it “our own” where we can turn Trump the Chump into The Governor in that COLONY Netflix Resistance TV SHOW!!! Had Peter not doubted Christ Jesus……..., he would not have saved {The Blood Line} +=+ of Christ and got him off that Cross before he died…..., so Jesus could become Paul The Apostle…., and then take on the IDENTITY of Peter The Rock to have his “own children” once he had settled down…., and Faked His Death for the ROMAN CATHOLIC Zionist Jesuit “Church” this U.N MILITARY EMPIRE of the world… Heretofore, if you continue to REJECT That I Christ Jesus have Returned in the Blood, and Bones, and Flesh of this Human Host..., you will be judged [whence you die] Q’ here in PURGATORY.., and it won’t matter if you are RICHIE FROM BOSTON or AMTV., or any other for the problem with our Situation now is that If This [Celestial Sphere] Q+ is all we have left, and you allow these U.N. Troops to BLOW UP the Whole Wide World one more time, This Place will Cease to exist!!! Now, it could be, some of you want PURGATORY to come to an end, so you can go to the 2nd Lake of Fire and CEASE TO EXIST you’m selves, but you might want to [reconsider] Q` that Our God The God of Gods will put you into a HELL of your own making for 1,000 Years be you Donald John Trump to PizzaGATE Satanist Joe Biden…. How amazing that CNN is now “complicating” about QANON, and their movement cause Trump thought I Christ Jesus would never return` too refute him as the RED FACE Devil and Roman U.N. CATHOLIC Conspirator he so is!!!! Theretofore, continue to talk about these FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation known as Zionist and Jesuits!!! The Oracle for the God of WE THE PEOPLE has so spoken… The Book of EXODICE!!!

If this written work is new to you, and you know not Jeppo Jinx and Johnny Exodice, then you can find their Works on at Johnny Exodice and under the same name, and at OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Page on MEWE where you can down load ALL THE BOOKS OF “Knowledge” for free too Read OFFLINE at your pleasure….

When you know our Home World can not take one more Great Nuclear Hydrogen Atomic Holocaust War, then what will you do to save it, and your people my nonmason.?.?.?

The Southern Republic…. All these FREE MASON Kids know exactly what they are doing taking over the World for These U.N. FLAGS as we the nonmason of the world are left "too rot" as their FELLOW Citizens!!! #LiquidDIRT [///|||\\\] @QANON /_\ Evil Spirits in their minds! Q+ The Pen`


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