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Are The Great Dinosaurs Just Another Masonic Hoax Upon the Sheeple?

JamesRoss - 426 Views
Published on 09 Nov 2023 / In Entertainment

As I listen to this, it makes me wonder if any real fossil of a complete Tyrannosaurus Rex was ever discovered...
Or did unemployed useless Freemasons begin an new scam upon the sheeple to misguide us with forgeries? (Like the King Tutankhamen Tomb(actually a female) coming from the masonic "Egyptian Authorities of Antiquity."

So all real fossil bones that masonic museums claim it true is kept under locked doors where only a selected few are allowed to witness? This is classic Masonic deception tactic where you are expected to believe the masonic experts.

Western Civilization is a Masonic monopoly where politician, police, military officers, religious leaders, education authorities, university experts and medical mafia are all Masonic with the goal of a "great work" to rebuild the A.i. immaculate supercomputer to act as their man-made god.

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Mememe 9 months ago

Yep another lie, lies needed to support their evolution lies. We confirm our stupidity to them, which is their reason for treating us like morons, and useless eaters, by believing their, lies. Lies they pay so-called scientists and scholars to confirm

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

dinosaur's were real but they didn't live a million years ago. More like around 5000 years ago. Read the Book of Enoch, these monsters were the result of the Nephilim breeding with all animals of the earth. There were monsters and giants. Do some research. Soft tissue has been found on the bones of these creatures and yes, the demonic masons had everything to do with covering this history up, also complicit is the evil Smithsonian. They were wiped out in the great flood. [show less]

Saint Orchard
If I mention the word "dragon", immediately everyone pictures a gigantic lizard beast in their minds.

Are Homo capensis these "Nephilim"... They are the ancient failed-mankind who used to rule Earth using an A.i. supercomputer fake-god. That A.i. could manipulate genetics to give Homo capensis lifespans of many thousands of years. The currently living Homo capensis were cloned before the great iceage 11,000 years ago. Isn't technology wonderful... only problem with them is that they became the devils and the Satans who live deep into the Earth's crust and pretend to make deals with humans for their souls.... which is fake since your body is your soul in the flesh and cannot be bartered with.
The "great floods" occur during the "intermediate axis effect" which flips the planet 180 degrees and the oceans flood the lands. Currently you can see Venus is the only planet 180 degrees flipped over still. Earth has done this 3 times now. Masonic scientists instead claim that the magnetic poles flip instead, which is just a side-effect.

There is so much that the masonic education systems never teach the sheeple.

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

Interesting how non-Cult bioengineers say a brontosaurus would not be able to move under Earth current gravity. Some say gravity increased to current levels through thunderbolt cataclysms.

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