Archbishop Vigano calls out the Pope
Special Report:
Archbishop "Badass" Vigano calls out the Pope: says he is a "zealous cooperator" in the "Great Reset," who pursues the "demolition of the Church" in order to replace it with an organization of "Masonic inspiration."
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Johnny Exodice
3 hours ago
Now you might be saying to your self NON-MASON I will get the Vaccination because I Don't believe in God, nor SATAN, and there are no Evil People in this world.?.?.?
So let me make it clear!!!!
THERE ARE NO JOBS even if you get the JAB!!!!
That is part of the {NEWS World Order} Con-Job, so you get sent to Hell when you die because you TOOK the Mark of the Beast from the Book of Revelation when WE don't need Money to share Food and Resources as Proven in any Public or Private COURT criminal or Civil RULE OF LAW!!!!
Day 6 in the Old Testament JEWISH Bible say: CORPORATE LAW has "no authority" over the God of this Bible that all RULE OF LAW is based on this Book of Books.......,
so if you deny Christ Jesus 1.0 and Christ Jesus Returned that there "ARE" Jobs for a Jab.?.?.?.?.?,
then you are the "Fool" whom puts the AI Black Goo of "Graphene" into your children's Flesh, and Blood, and Bones [TEMPORARY] Qballs~ /_\ Avatars........., so these FAKE JEWS of Hollywood USA from the Book of Revelation can {trick or treat} them and you to be hunted into the REAL WORLD this SIMULATION is based on called DE-JA-VU........,
and remove you from "your family" from your Holograpix VR Simulation Chamber, so you never {wake up} /-\ whence you die too this GAME called PURGATORY of All the World is a Stage, and the SHOW ends in 2094 CE aka DAY of Judgement in all Ink on Paper Books of Religions...
The Oracle for the End of an Age connected to The Source of All Creation and All Destruction has so spoken!!!!
The house of Griffin in our Shared Celestial Sphere.... aka Christ Jesus Returned in these Days of Noah Re-Storied by the FREE MASON Lodges in your home towns......
#Lobster ? ⚕