”Those Who Resist the New World Order Will Have the Help and Protection of God” – Italian Archbishop Vigano
Archbishop Vigano is the object of evil attacks by the mainstream media and the globalist left because he stands with Catholics, Christians, and even non-believers who have thirst for justice and truth in this upside-down world we are living in.
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Yes we will, and with Yahweh we are undefeatable. Numbers 24:8-9, Isaiah 15:17, Micah 5:8-9, and Obadiah 1:18.

they dislike freedom because it is free of charge

How else a bunch of idiots still be here unless God was protecting? Not questioning God at all but Im convinced he picked the worst possible people to be in end times, if this is end times. Although, if he wanted people who were lackadaisical, small minded, spineless, gay men.. JACK POT!!

Mine is not to question why, mine is just too do or die…
What a stupid mantra!!!
Knowing WE ARE and THEY LIVE is and are in Purgatory, and that Purgatory will be Purgatory, at least in these Days of Noah ONE LAST TIME, we can Question the NARRATIVE of every Religion too die for Ink on Paper books wrote by Mankind too blame THE GOD IN TRUST for all our woes, and though The Cursed, The Damned, and The Forsaken cannot Question anything with their fake space moon landings, all war is so those whom live off of our Donations and Voluntary action can say; Go kill them because Their Flag is NOT our Flag, and I will live like a King or Queen while youm die for my needs Plebe and Pleb whose TAXES you employ me too tell you my EMPLOYER to do such things…
This is the reason you have NO Food, nor Drink in your Belly!!! This is why you are rounded up by the World Police of Peacekeepers for the U.S. Military!!!
This is why there are JAILS and Prisons for the RULE OF LAW that youm employ throws you away because you PAY THEM those Very Taxes that means you employ "them" too tell you what to do because YOU want a New TV Screen in your Room!!!
The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Stratocracy….
Flowers instead of FLAGS Muther Fucker!!!
Flowers instead of CORPORATION Flags…..
The Society of non-mason~
#LowKARG ?