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ANTI-GUN Media Propaganda

GunsNpolitics - 726 Views
Published on 19 Apr 2018 / In Film and Animation

Fair Use for the purpose of commentary.

Debunking fake news media stories on guns in America is easy to do and should be done at all times to help the people who do not see right through it, to be able to recognize media lies right away. This video is an example of the biased media spending millions of dollars lying to their viewers in a way that would make Joseph Goebbels very proud. They attempt to show you that having a concealed gun either makes you a target or will not help you at all. In no way do they tell you that having a gun gives you a fighting chance to escape a shooting with your life. We all use YouTube and can watch hundreds of videos of citizens using guns to defend themselves or other people. ABC "News" acts as if those examples do not exist.

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