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Ancient Persian Occult Mysticism, Magic, and Astrology - ROBERT SEPEHR

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 456 Views
Published on 14 Mar 2020 / In Film and Animation

Demons, genies (jinn), and disincarnate spirits permeate ancient occult traditions in the Middle East and neighboring countries. An early 20th-century Persian manuscript on magic and astrology provides a glimpse into this mystical world with dozens of watercolor illustrations of metaphysical and otherworldly creatures, and a book of spells listing incantation and talismans from pre-Islamic Iran, Arabian Peninsula, and Egypt.

Queen of Sheba, Ancient Ethiopian History

The Venetian Black Nobility and Baroque

Much of what is now part of European secret societies was imported by the Knights Templar, consisting of veiled symbols of what some define as goddess worship, venerated by Gnostics from ancient Egypt, Cathars, Rosicrucians, and whose occult philosophy can be traced back to Babylon, ancient Sumer, and even earlier.

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Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author




Track Info:
Title: Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 5 years ago  

The Dance of the Stragglers…

Commander……..., How many Kills…….., and Murders……., and “Assassinations” have been done for The Teacher??? I would say more have {killed for me} +=+ Then George Washington to Abraham Lincoln…..., from The Buddha to the Vishnu….., from Mark Anthony…., too Caesar The Great!!! Yet..., it is not about NUMBERS [of dead people] / * \ for me.., be they Human “Sympathizers” with these FREE MASON INTERNATIONALIST promising “a way home” when this is the only HOME we shall ever know., and since Our Children “will one day” [{**}] be Our Ancestors, then I do suggest we fix this place… From Trump the Chump to Pence on The Fence as they FEAR the Pope on Dope just as “Putin The Scooten” and Winnie the Pooh Xi FEAR some G.O.D. of S.A.T.A.N. that was nothing more then INK ON PAPER “children's stories” [{*}] printed in every RELIGION to keep you in your place!!!! FEAR YOUR G.O.D. ???? Jesus was A man born of “Male and Female” just as we all are, and now that WE ARE all Jesus “be we” What Ever LABEL you call this or that GOVERNMENTAL RELIGION, we have Our Own Laws, Our Own Ways, and we will use “COVID 19” to shoot every Liar that continues “down this path” of deception…

How many have killed for me that are “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition??? Billions if even “such a word” actually exist!!! Therefore, to all you INTERNATIONALIST whom say: Do as we tell you??? What happens when FREE MASON Lodge Members are Redeemed….., and Betrayal “is no longer” DEATH…..., but Life and Liberation and Autonomy??? Johnny Exodice walks through your Most Secured “Ports” and Military Bases, and he is not MOLESTED, or Contested “by your” HOMELAND SECURITY [JADE HELM 15} PROJECT BLUE BEAM {U.N. Goons] be they G4S to our CONSTITUTIONAL “Local Beat” Police to Special Forces trained to kill my kind……., and “their kind” for far far too long…. I am a man of modest means, but I do get my dick sucked, and I do so enjoy Tasting and Licking “The Vagina” of the Love Tunnel that Gives birth to we all!!! You people whom “Cut our Dick Skins” off REMOVING the Protection that belongs to REAL MEN making us Less than a Man as our Foreskin was Raped Off right “in front of” our moms and dads…., and too “you people” whom cut away the FEMALE Pleasure Center known as the Wombmans` Clitoris??? We will cut your Dick Heads off, and make you eat them…

You’m see, all them children whom had their “cunts” cut out of them….., and all “them children” whom you made SNUFF FILMS to cut the dick out of the Dead Children and “sew them into” the Living Breathing Little Girls known as [YOUNG TRANNY SEX] google to duckduckgo web searches…….., you have things I shall never know or ponder, but “I AM” must now give approval too TORTURE` for the many whom have had “their babies” stolen by THE STATE!!! Human Trafficking you call it as if we HUMANS have “no rights” when those Ink on Paper Constitutions “are not upheld” in OUR COURTS, OUR JAILS, and OUR PRISONS??? Too be certain, this world changes day by day, minute by minute, and as you “throw down” your UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONALIST Agenda 21 + 30???? Decent is now MANDATORY “if you” wish too live… That means no matter YOUR POSITION in this Valueless Stock and “Bondage” System, as if we are “nothing more” then cattle aka COLLATERAL DAMAGE…., if you will not call BULL SHIT bull shit??? You will join the {World of the Dead} for we are taking all!!!! I do not need your PERMISSION to “lead my people” for we are all JESUS now no matter the Continent, Islands, or UNDER WORLD CITIES… I do not think your LOCK DOWN will “STOP” the killings, so WORLD LEADERS you have a choice, and I would “take it” if you are Human???

We are NOT Machine People though we live in A “Grand Construct” known as Terra Firm`a EARTH the land of the Living… If you wish to live and “be allowed” too HEAL……..., then you will Stand Down, and you will only have to wear a “Bracelet” that WILL BE SEWN through the Bones of your Wrist just as YOU PEOPLE “Hung me” on that Cross…….., and created “this thing” called A DEBT IS A DEBT, and that is “the way” of the OLD WINE SKINS; furthermore, I control no one…..., I am only a Commander, a Teacher, A Jesus, as are all my people of Pak-Toe….. We do not wish to do Racka, but “we know” what you done, and you will take all them ACTORS “off the Streets” whom are not real people without shelters, and you will “STOP” Punishing the FREE MASON whom “walked away” cause they did not want “to be a part of” such sickness!!!! As for me??? I may never “be known” to the world, but when I come back a child, I will ponder “whom was” this man or wombman known as Johnny Exodice and Jeppo Jinx???

Johnny Exodice


Jeppo Jinx

Oh Yesssss Snake People…, it is fine for YOUNGER Men “too marry” Older Wombmen, and the more we practice Sexual Pleasure the less any “will put up with” MEN Raping Little Girls and little Boys!!!

The Commander~


KILROY --- The Fifth Column --- The RED hand


If you are Hysterical, then you just one more fucking Retard ACTOR!!!!

MARTIAL LAW means “you always” SHOOT these TRAITORS DEAD!!!!

Look up these words and know them in your Hearts my Humans….


REMEMBER The EDISON of Forced Technology in “Santa Barbara” CALIFORNIA USA is the Weather Weapons A.I. BIOS….

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