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AMS Forging: The Pioneers – Titanium, Stainless Steel, & Aluminum

Friend Metals
Friend Metals - 179 Views
Published on 27 Sep 2023 / In

AMS Forging: The Pioneers – Titanium, Stainless Steel, & Aluminum

Titanium in AMS Forging

1. Strength-to-Weight Ratio: "Lightweight yet robust, perfect for aerospace.
2. Corrosion Resistance: "Resilient even in harsh aerospace environments.
3. Forging Characteristics: "Challenging yet achievable with the right technique.

Stainless Steel in AMS Forging

1. Corrosion Resistance: "Its defining trait.
2. Versatility: "Various grades for precise aerospace needs.
3. High Temperature Resistance: "Reliable under heat.
4. Hygienic Properties: "Easy to clean and sterilize.
Aluminum in AMS Forging

1. Lightweight Nature: "Famed for its low density.
2. Excellent Conductivity: "For heat transfer and electrical uses.
3. Malleability and Formability: "Easily shaped for intricate designs.
4. Corrosion Resistance: "Thanks to its oxide layer.
5. Recyclability: "A green choice for aerospace.
6. Cost-Efficiency: "Affordable without compromising quality.

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