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Alistair Williams Exposes that Russel Brand is a Freemasonic 33 degree Judas Goat

JamesRoss - 1,033 vistas
1,033 vistas
Publicado en 01 Jun 2022 / En Personas y blogs

You caught him... He is a Freemasonic traitor.

Comments copied from bitchute repasted:

Good for you Williams
Keep up the great Critical Thinking

All my comments about brainchips were pulled down by the Freemasonic thUgs until I commented here:

The Freemasons will not expose certain things until the "Agenda" tells them it is okay to talk about it.
Roger Ebert made this mistake

and the Cult took away his career, mouth and then his life. [show less]


Welcome back Alistair. Its been to long mate

2 months ago

He also has links with Jemima Goldsmith daughter of financier James Goldsmith who in turn has links with the Rothchild family, follow the money people.

2 months ago

Look I'm not a shill because I called out obvious shill Russell Brand, bullshit. Nobody still allowed on Jewtube is legit.

2 months ago

The fake working clarse accent pisses me orf Alistaire

2 months ago

Its got to be West Ham cause the Landlord of the Vic in Eastenders supports WEST HAM

2 months ago

good to see you again al

2 months ago

Actually a good point.

2 months ago

Russel Brand is just dopey cunt, who has really nothing to say, Just listen it's just bullshite

2 months ago

Yep he's a Rothchild , dating his cousin atm , he's a disinfo agent

2 months ago

Hi Alistair Good to see you again missed you, I still have a utube account but spend most time over here keep them coming.

2 months ago

Dude,, Russel Brand is obviously Tavistock and the new age is just a rewrite of Christianity. It's not the original Celtic gnostasism or Sophianic gnosticism, that's is over 8000 years old,, but here you are shilling Christianity which is a JEWISH spiritual control system. It's a Jewish religion for the filthy Goyim. It is Satanism..

2 months ago

I think your YouTube analogy is spot on and needs no further explanation…

2 months ago

Russel Brand can't be Illuminati. He looks terrible.
All the Illuminati mouthpieces have perfectly manufactured images
2 months ago

He’s been short on adrenachrome these past 2 years.
2 months ago

welcome back here mr williams

2 months ago

Love your work; If Russell Brand still followed me on Twitter, he could watch it, too! I Did send it to Titus Frost who will totally appreciate it. Nice to share with the Appreciative. I have noticed Krishna statues in the background of Brand videos in the past, but I have some strange statues myself, I just don't worship them or get tattoos for them (too much of a commitment to 'decor' if you ask me.) A couple notes: you missed the Black Cube behind Russell & the pile of logs, that IF tied together, become a bundle of sticks which is the root of the word for Fascism! I've Almost got this decoding thang down! [show less]
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

hes a cunt

2 months ago

Took the controlled opposition puppet long enough, he did drag it out for a bit too long, pushing his master's agenda, they must be so pleased, wonder how he'll be rewarded, well it can't be getting restored to YT, for he never got removed, strange?
Edited 2 months ago
2 months ago

Deep Underground Military Bunker with a room near the nearest Starbucks (I think there's one every 10 Elite Bunker Blocks, so a bit of a haul for those who sit for a living.) #SitShivaSit
2 months ago

Short answer : Yes.
Long answer: Research Madam Blavatsky; Alice Bailey; David Spangler; Lucis trust ideology in the UN; the new age religion.
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago
Daniel B·

IMO, Russell Brand is harmless, where I know him reasonably well (I don't follow him, or anything). based on my 50+ years on this planet, being born and raised in the U.K. (moved to Virginia in the fall of '07), and I'd need much stronger evidence to convince me he's actually a bad person, like apparently the vast majority of Hollywood actors are (Tom "CONvid" Hanks, SOLD US OUT, by kicking off the SCAMDEMIC, by claiming he and his wife contracted CONvid-1984 whilst his movie was still in pre-production on the Australian Gold coast, when you could almost count the number of alleged "CONvid dead" on two hands (13) - see my in-depth report from the time: Deep-state JUMPS THE SHARK, locking down almost Covid-free India; my analysis of Flu vs Covid deaths

When he says "Ukrainian people, Russian people, American people, Saudi people, Icelandic people, Senegalese people, all have more in common with one another than they have with the people that govern them. What is required is a new system of global governance, that somehow comprises the local and the global...", I'm not thinking of the NWO, I thinking of Starfleet, the futuristic ideal envisaged by Gene Roddenberry, where as far as I'm concerned, after our overlords unleashed the CONvid-1984 SCAMDEMIC upon us, politicians the World over are DONE, and should be consigned to the DUSTBIN OF HISTORY, where WE THE PEOPLE should be governing ourselves, replacing ALL politicians with citizen advocates, who inherently are NOT looking out for themselves, or ANY special interest, but purely want to do their part of forward the ideals of the Human race, where this ideal DOES transcend physical borders, as the same set of just policies should be applicable the World over.

I personally believe one component of OUR "great reset", is a TRUE free market economy, where any and ALL forms of CRONY-capitalism are simply NOT tolerated (subsidize farmers to grow low nutrient GMO corn, to generate the most profits with ethanol production, or for junk food? GTFO!), and in which, one's talents and hard work are rewarded, but at the same time, those who are hit by bad fortune, through no fault of their own, are NOT discarded, e.g. where a hard worker with a family is badly injured on the job; there should be a mechanism that supports them whilst they recover, so they can return to work as soon as they are able, which is ALL most people want, and from which EVERYONE benefits. [show less]
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

It wasn't an apple. Satan beguiled Eve means that he impregnated her with Cain. Hence all his evil descendants are now wrecking our world.
Edited 2 months ago
8 days ago

Just wow...Cain is a child of Eve and after they were separated from God and Eden....your description isn't possible. I have heard that a fallen angel or satan had sex with Eve and not sure I believe that either. If that had happened God would of not allowed that child to be born without labeling it....Cain was not born as a murderer, he became one. To say a demon made a child with eve says that the first born of man was half demon....never happened. [show less]
Edited 8 days ago
2 months ago

Russel Brand the Bastard Child of Battery Acid Jo Brand - nether of them Comedians just lost soul tossers reading off a Globalist Satanic Paedophile Script - being a Smack Head will do this to you along with shagging and marrying I Kissed a Girl Katy Perry - the LGBTP Plus for Paedo Agenda and why Alan Carr would fit right in as he says as the Illuminati are all benders - Tranny ones like Katy Perry - there's a place for the Daily Star apart from the bin :- [show less]

2 months ago

Did you do any research? You work backwards from a conclusion and make no real arguments against in this long rant of yours and provide ZERO sources. This is a 25 minute long rant from a spastic who if I never see a video from for the rest of my life (if this video is any indication of your work) will be too soon.

Brand talking a bit about his approach to religion.

Calling out bad faith arguments, not defending brand. [show less]

2 months ago

"Somehow in ways I don't know because get this I'm not in the illuminati" so you don't know how to use a search engine... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

2 months ago

Who can forget Brands appearance on Nathan Ross Show where he parades his then Girlfriends (Jemima Khan) Dog all thrown together with the usual Nazi Tropes and a sprinkling of Globo Homo.
Jemima Khan
Jemima Goldsmith
Goldsmith/Goldschmidt family
The family was interwoven particularly with the Rothschild family, [show less]

2 months ago

OTT man burns a small woodland a week. New messiah people are daft.

2 months ago

The so-called neo Nazis everyone has been talking about in Ukraine are, in fact, Israeli Mossad agents posing as Ukrainian nationalists, inspired by Bandera. The real former Ukrainian nationalists were eliminated by the Mossad. No wonder the "Nazis" and "Jews" have no problem working with one another in Ukraine.

The plan is to currently use Ukrainians as allies, then eliminate as many as possible, conceivably in a war with Russia, if they can manage to start it. These monsters want to take over Ukraine and repopulate it by Khazarians (Jews) so that it may become the second homeland to the "Jews". Alternative media (the newest script readers who have no understanding of history) is now referring to the ancient "land of Khazaria" as being present day-Ukraine. This would pave the way for the gradual takeover of Ukraine by the Khazarians (Jews). Little do they know that the Khazarians were barbaric nomads who moved from village to village to raid, pillage, plunder and destroy. They had no homeland. They were marauders. They have no rights to Ukraine, just as they have no rights to the land of Palestine. Infiltrators and posers have no rights at all. These people take what they want by force and deception. They must be exposed and stopped.

Zelensky has stacked his administration with friends and acquaintances in the acting industry. They include other actors, comedians, writers, directors---and of course, just like him, they are also Jewish. What a joke!!

Zelensky, who portrays himself as a humble everyday representative of the people, has several homes outside of Ukraine, including a $35 Million mansion in Florida. He also has a $1.3 Billion bank account in Costa Rica, funded by Kolomoisky, a thieving oligarch and fellow "Jew" Khazarian.

Zelensky was not elected by the Ukrainians as a president, but was installed by oligarch Kolomoisky. He and unelected Biden have something in common. Come to think of it, so does Castro-Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Macron...

Zelensky has closed three tv stations for presenting views not consistent with Zalensky's agenda and propaganda.
Denis Rogatyuk on Twitter: "#UkraineWar: Zelensky’s name appeared prominently in both the Panama Papers and the Pandora Papers (as did the name of his key backer, Kolomoisky). His connections to the neo-Nazi Azov battalion are now well-known." / Twitter [show less]
2 months ago

AshkeNAZIs need Neo NAZIs or even old ones for that matter! Hitler Genocided the Ukraine as did the Jewish Bolsheviks causing the starvation Holomodors! But only one Genocide matters and that is the Hex HoloHoax that underlines all of this Evil as you cannot criticise Genociders who have been 'Genocided' - it's all Evil Bollocks as Palestinians know and anyone else on the receiving end of the Oded Yinon or Kalergy plans!

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gonana3 2 años hace

Only a complete and utter idiot would get a PERMANENT tattoo of a symbol they haven't a CLUE what it really represents or means tattooed upon their body. maybe humanitys stupidity is a reason to deserves to go extinct.

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JamesRoss 2 años hace

It is more spiritually important to have a loving-heart than to be intelligent to see through all the lies with acurate critical thinking. The soul-fragment grows with loving behavior within this multidimensional universe under the supervision of the Creator-God. If a super intelligent being is so heartless that it genocides an entire species off a planet due to greedy schemes and plots, that being will not be able to handle the after-life so it will have to be spiritually contained within a spiritual box (with others) so that it does not get itself into trouble. The loving-soul will not get into trouble once direct knowledge is intuitively accessed. This is what the Sethbook teach. Survival of the fitest and darwinism is a fallacy from a spiritual sense. I would be surprised if Brand is not a Luciferian Judas Goat and to them the tatoos are markers of "achievments" amoungst other thUgs and they conside them having magikal potential, but they are just tatoos and nothing more.

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