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Alien Reptilian Legacy: Reptilians Living On Earth (Full Documentary)

Spiritology 101
Spiritology 101 - 868 vistas
868 vistas
Publicado en 10 Sep 2021 / En Cine y Animación

There has been an underlying darkness controlling humanity since time began. Often described as the "missing piece in the puzzle" by David Icke, or the "Invisible Darkness" by Ellis Taylor, the Reptilians are the shadow beings in the dark, waging war upon humans from the space between dimensions.

One of the most taboo subjects in the world media is the existence of the Reptilians. Researchers now reveal the presence of a supreme and nefarious inter-dimensional intelligence that has been manipulating mankind for centuries. An unprecedented expose on the Reptilians on Earth, hear riveting testimony from alien abductees and experiencers that point to a sinister agenda behind the alien presence on Earth.

"Staggering evidence that Shadow People are indeed very real." - OH Krill, author of Montauk Babies.

"Very scary, we are just now understanding this manipulation of the human race." - United Media Network.

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