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    1️⃣ Beliefs
    Sol Luckman

    #AlexJonesShow HR4: Watch #1 Most-Censored & Attacked Broadcast to Learn What's Coming

    The Resistance 1776
    The Resistance 1776 - 353 Views
    Published on 19 Jan 2021 / In News and Politics

    The Alex Jones Show (Hour 4) - Commercial Free - 1-19-21
    After having the election stolen, President Trump prepares to leave the White House - Alex Jones takes your calls! The brother of John Sullivan is on to make shocking revelations. Also, Nick Fuentes joins the show!

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

    Teacher…, Does SPOKEO do a Thorough background Check on WE THE PEOPLE.?.?.? No…., it does not, and I find this quite interesting, and even though we can use such Back Ground Checking devices to find any FREE MASON Supreme Court Judge, and their Eastern Star Wives, and this in and of itself is useful in dealing with these “Doppelganger” INVASION forces from the Southern Hemisphere on our FLAT EARTH {As Above / So Below} Celestial Sphere, it seems when I do a Back Ground Check on Johnny Exodice he does not have a Profile, but when I looked into the 3 Charmed Ones: there is no data information on them beyond 1996 A.D.

    when the WWW was introduced too the Nations of the U.N. FLAG, and in a world such as this where I am 55 and I can not retrieve mine own Credit History, Address History, nor even High School to Elementary Associations, then this NEW NORMAL seems only to track those born in 1996 A.D. till now in 2021 C.E.

    Now, I know [from experience] Qballs~ /_\ when I was taken to one of these RED FLAG LAWS Mental Asylums in the USA, that the Police Officer did a background check on my Social Security NUMBER, and my Drivers License NATIONAL I.D. back in 2015 when JADE HELM 15 was all the Rave, and the Local County and City Police at least in the State and {Nation of GEORGIA} USA had access to old information in the 1980’s but then again: the COMPUTER Intranet was being used on WE THE PEOPLE in the USA and many other {Blue Eyed Nations} of the U.N. international mafia of FREE MASON Lodge Members as far back as the Early 1984 Generationals…….,

    but when I went to the Roman Catholic Church where I was Baptized, and Had Communion, and Confirmation, the Priest when I asked to see my Birth and Historical RECORDS: with the Vatican Military Militant {NEWS} World Order had no documentation on me even though this building still stands, my Parents paid Taxes called “Tithes” too EMPLOY the Pope and his Underlings from Cardinals to Bishops to Priest to {do their jobs} as my EMPLOYED religion of my Birth,

    and so, when these CATHOLIC Roman “Centurions” have not Data on anyone born in their CORPORATION Buildings till the NEW NORMAL of the Internet in this 21st Century, I could find no data on my Past Membership or illumination on any one: MASON or nonmason when it comes to Data that has not been Hand Held and Physically Read, and though you could and would think the ROMANS would have [kept the Records] of the One Chosen by The Source of All Creation and All Destruction, yet the Oracle for the END OF THIS AGE has no such documentation…

    That Spoken’ I am sure all these WORLD LEADERS have [hidden files] on their Birth – Family – Blood Lines and since we know U.N. Troops aka The Racka Run this side of PURGATORY known as The Northern Hemisphere, and their freemason “outpost” LIE ABOUT EVERY THING as they run our Small towns to our Mega Metropolis in all U.N. FLAGS Occupied by the WORLD POLICE known as the U.S. FLAG, you might find some solace my Romantic Warriors that we born “before” 1975 have missing information on our full Psychological Profiles

    as these NARCISSIST FREE MASON C.O.P.S. hunt and kidnap and murder we The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, and those of you’m whom knew Social Media would become {Mass Surveillance} and Contact TRACER APPS in our S.M.A.R.T. phones one day as these 5G Time Travel Towers “Surround” our every move in the USA and all NATO Alliances, youm have done well never to put “yourself” out their on the SOCIAL MEDIAS,

    but to you my People and Children of Pak-Toe now must take into consideration, do you want to be MONITORED by your Countries FREE MASON C.O.P.S., or do youm want some “Autonomy” by keeping your thoughts off of the INTERNET and sharing rather [face to face] in our FLAT EARTH Magical Academy {offline gaming} Study Rooms????

    You see these FREE MASON Lodge Membership: Public Schools stopped teaching WE THE PEOPLE whom are nonmason [how to do] Hand Writing….., cause when you keep a {Journal or Diary} with just ink on paper, there is “no device” that can search what is not scanned into and “onto” the WORLD WIDE WEB on this side of FLAT EARTH, nor the Other Side of FLAT EARTH, and if you want to keep your {Personal Information} and INNER thoughts secure, then don’t post them on “any” computer connected to the WWW….

    The Book of EXODICE!!!

    You can still find any FEDERAL JUDGE or other {Oath Breaker} to their OATH OF OFFICE as your parents, and friend, and family members “Languish” in all these FEMA CAMPS known as our Local Jails and State Prisons for LAWS WE HAVE NO SAY IN that makes any Judgment by Any FREE MASON C.O.P.S., Judges, and other whom took you, and your PROPERTY being your Physical Body, and your CHILDREN till they are of age, and throwing you: and them into these Unconstitutional Holding Centers,

    and since these C.O.P.S. and Judges all [live off of] +=+ OUR Nonmason Taxes as our fellow Tax Paying CITIZENS, then why should we allow “any” Court House to Arrest our DEVELOPMENT when we have no say in the LAWS {they kidnap} and throw WE THE PEOPLE away as humans cause these nonhuman Incubus and Succubus Narcissist Machine People RULE THIS SIDE OF THE WORLD by a system of “Lies” Agreed Upon just as everyone on TV keeps saying we Landed on the Moon when that was [nothing more] then one more FREE MASON Lodge Members lies agreed upon like the (COVID19)….

    You decide “if you will” be taken to these Courts you PAID FOR, but you gets NO SAY in the Law and Order of This U.S. FLAG militant {INVASION Force} of and for the UNITED NATIONS International Mafia of CORPORATIONS whom have [imposed] this Dereliction of Duty where MASON MUTINY and have never “upheld” their OATH OF OFFICE: cause MASON only care about their BLOOD OATHS to their fucking FREE MASON Lodges…

    The Society of nonmason~

    Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where our nonmason children and parents live “dying” and wasting away in {U.N. PRISONS} and Dungeons in all U.N. FLAGS for we the nonmason have no REPUBLICS, nor Representation in these TAXES we are [forced to pay] to our OPPRESSORS them whom attend their Satanic “Religions” in their FREE MASON [Federation] QANON of Courts, City Counsels, School Boards, and {THEIR Nations} while our “nonmason” TAX PAYING citizens lay dead in unmarked Graves all over “this side” of FLAT EARTH since before and after WORLD WAR ONE…

    The Sentinel…

    NEVER FORGET: Free Mason Make ALL the LAWS, and Break ALL the LAWS as we [nonmasons] have NO SAY in the LAWS {we are told} too take an OATH OF OFFICE Too….

    The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

    The Society of nonmason~

    † ///|||\\\ Ω

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    1️⃣ Beliefs
    Sol Luckman