Humanity Is Winning! Must-Watch Historic Broadcast: Globalists Are On The Run Worldwide! Learn What’s Coming NEXT – THURSDAY FULL SHOW 01/19/23
Humanity Is Winning! Must-Watch Historic Broadcast: Globalists Are On The Run Worldwide! Learn What’s Coming NEXT – THURSDAY FULL SHOW 01/19/23

guy pretending to be king with jude wallet was at saint moritz,
not davos

consumer is king, king is state
so they manufacture courtyard impersonating kingdom for throwing over king : bureaucracy

dont forget super pet

they will meet sarkozy-papon, fabius-lemoine and holande-poniatowski pretending to be "famous" and "popular" with carla laforet and julie taglioni
macron-peillon pretending to be irresistible with brigite darc
... perhaps harry and meghan also

people paying bills do not have money for paying taxes ...
so they will make "bureaucratic" service impersonating private privilege so as to remotely grab taxes behind fees, filling federal wallet behind staged market
as dick cheney acting as "nelson petz"