#AlexJonesShow HR4: America Awakens To Coronavirus Martial Law & Big Pharma Takeover
Experts debunk the scare tactics used to usher in mass tyranny worldwide
More Americans on both the right and the left are revolting against government-mandated shutdowns as they realize the government “cure” is worse than the virus
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Columbia gives to her son the accolade of the new Chivalry of Humanity
You think {you know} /_\ what this means.?.?.?, but we know they give we “the nonmason” PUBLIC one of their FAKED MOON LANDING STORIES…..., so feel free to read their FREE MASON Propaganda….., but what I see in this Painting is the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA aka Washington D.C. the ACT OF 1871 [U.S. FLAG] holding a blade at the throat of a CITIZEN Military Person….., and withholding the ORIGINAL United States FOR America Constitution……..., and in that, you can be CERTAIN that COLUMBIA is the (Whore of Babylon) / * \ this RED DRAGON of Made In China where The Book of REVELATION says: The MERCHANT SHIPS will all begin to Wail and Weep when we the people “whom are nonmason” learn that these FREE MASON Lodges hold all them that are PROFANE Useless “Disturb” Deplorable Filth known as DEMOLAY – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls – Shriners – Eastern Stars – York Rite too Scottish Rite [{**}] whom thought by the Murder of George Washington – Abraham Lincoln…, and John F. Kennedy these GLOBAL CITIZENS of the UNITED NATIONS “International Mafia” [{*}] would use A (COVID19) World Domination Plot of PROJECT BLUE BEAM to allow ALIEN “insects and reptile” and Android Machine People known as CYCLOPS and CYLONS “to rule over we” The Biological Socialogicals for all time.?.?.?.?.?
We Are Pak-Toe!!! We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!
To any and all whom [do not uphold] their OATH OF OFFICE to our States Flags, States Constitutions, and our “Coat Of Arms” for you are only LOYAL to that FREE MASON [Blood Oath] +=+ Lodge in our Cities???????, we come to kill you all…….., and burn “you alive” in Your FREE MASON houses of S.A.T.A.N. to the ground!!!!!
These FREE MASON “lodge members” have no Honor – Integrity – Decency….., Or VIRTUES!!!! They are all Liars – Thieves – Crooks and Murderers from the Doctors of these VACCINES too the FREE MASON C.O.P.S. in our “National Guards” to our Military Commanders!!!
The Society of nonmason~
Weather you stand or fall will be up to each Citizen “individual” of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition “whom chooses” USE OF FORCE too take back our HOME WORLD of Purgatory from these THINGS known as Interdenominational INTERNATIONALIST……., or those whom wait (to be taken) to these RED FLAG LAW FEMA CAMPS [of the] NEW WORLD ORDER, and that is not my plan……...
Death to The Racka!!!! We Are Pak-Toe!!!!!