#AlexJonesShow HR2: Traitors Among Us: Democrat & MSM Connections To Chinese Communists Exposed
We expose the anti-American sentiment brewing within our own borders
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Teacher…, how can you keep {your spirits up} when all is lost!!!??? If you have not read THE BOOK OF NONMASON and THE BOOK OF PUZZLES……..., I do expect you have [not faith] / * \ in your self…….., your soul……., or YOUR Symbiots.?.?.?.? You see…..., these CORPORATIONS think they can just {make all Nations} +=+ CONSTITUTIONS Null and Void….., and put WE THE PEOPLE under their Thumb cause they have “replaced” [{**}] ALL JOBS with Automation MECHANIZATION of Hellenization as this 5G “Eugenics” EXPERIMENT called COVID 19 destroys our health…., and visions..., and sanity.?.?.? Unlike you nonmason.., and freemason whom never learned to “THINK” For Your Self.., we of Pak-Toe know where we are., what we are, and that PURGATORY [{*}] will be Purgatory even when our “Celestial Sphere” FLAT EARTH Home World can be anything we so desire…., but if “Artificial Beings” control our thoughts, and our visions, then what purpose [could you have} except to LAY DOWN AND DIE as the {Slave Populations] that you all are.?.?.? You see, I did not come back “too save you” whom never did John 13:34 for you worshiped MONEY and now MONEY has become the {Only Thing} THIS MACHINE the Great Archetype knows` for you will not “Reprogram” that God Dammed EDISON Machine of Force Labor Technology in Santa Barbara CALIFORNIA USA!!!! So too those [whom plan] too play this ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE “Simulation” to its bitter end……., you might want to look into The RIGHTS of A Corporation for Citizens {no longer exist} except in those Members, Constituents, Representatives “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…….., and though we are many, and we CUT WIRES “all the time” and kill all these FEMA TROOPS of the UNITED NATIONS International Mafia….., you Cowardly people hide “in your homes” like little girls.., and little boys waiting for these “U.N. TROOPS” to come kill you., and take you away to be Tortured..., Rape…..., and Mind Wiped!!!! Our ENEMY even though “they are” now FEMA C.O.P.S. of the U.S. Military and National Guard are still [nothing more] then Naked Men………, and Wombmen in COSTUMES as their Cloth “Coverings” for their Flesh and Blood and Bones, and since “these people” are all them FREE MASON Lodge Members, we can kill them “with ease” for they think S.A.T.A.N. and L.U.C.I.F.E.R. that is nothing more then {Algorithmic Interfaces} of these so called INTERNATIONALIST whom say [they own] our Corporate Flags.?.?.?, Our Corporate States.?.?.?, and OUR CORPORATION {Boarders} in what is now the ultimate CORPORATE WAR.?.?.?.? Fuck that shit “my person” and My People, for we of Pak-Toe do not go as {Sheep and Cattle} too the Slaughter, WE kill and murder, and poison, and “Sniper Shoot” and Run them QANON off the Road with our Cars for THESE RACKA are “Parasites” and Body Snatchers, and I have no more time to worry about you’m [whom will not] go ARROW on any opportunity to take out {FEMA Officials} be they in the U.S. Military to the U.K. Military to the “E.U. Military” for We The Society of nonmason are [decentralized] and Lone WOLFS!!!! To the end of all Monsters – Vampires – Werewolves – Pirates as we take our RIGHT as “CORPORATIONS” to fight for our Prophet…., and our Profits!!!! The Book of EXODICE!!!
Blow up the TRAIN TRACKS at your Roads` for you “do not want” them to LOCK YOUR ROADS and EXITS with [Made In China] RED DRAGON TRAIN CARS!!!! For FEMA can use TRAIN CONVOYS to “Isolation” your Towns and pick you off [one by one] using the FEDERALIZED National Guards of Our 50 States FOR America!!! Death to these {FEMA People} of SEDITION – High Treason, and Traitors “too our” National CONSTITUTIONAL “Corporate” Boarders…
We Are Pak-Toe… We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!!!
The Commander~