#AlexJonesShow HR2: Super Bowl 55 Is A Giant Pedophile Sex Trafficking Party And MSM Loves It!
The Alex Jones Show (Hour 2) Sunday Broadcast -2-7-21
Alex Jones hosts the most banned and censored broadcast in the world -- tune in, spread the word and be part of the resistance!
Infowars has discovered President Trump's impeachment defense, and it's powerful!
Alex Jones breaks down how the Super Bowl is a massive sex trafficking event attracting the worst kind of criminals from all over the world, but the media doesn’t care, and in fact runs cover for the disgraceful event. We’ll also discuss President Trump’s latest impeachment defense and more! Tune in and spread the word!
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Wow, for those paying attention, Jones just exposed how he has been playing people with his super bowl pedo video. In explaning how he tried to tell everyone pizzagate was a "honey pot" that their was real pedophilia going on with Podesta and Hillary. As I recall the pizzagate, came after all the emails came out, those that were on that were later lumped in with pizzagate by Jones and other media, it didn't matter if they ever believed the pizzagate restaurant or not. Fast forward to Q, I have watched several videos of Lin Woods producing witnesses against Mike pence and justice Roberts pedo problems, as with Sydney Powell and Mike Liddell giving real undeniable proof of election fraud. Jones now claims that Q is all about dumb basses underground in order to lump Lin Woods as one of those. He rarely discuss Sydney Powell or Mike Liddell, defiantly does not go any further on the subject, and is quick to praise Tucker Carlson, who threw Sydney under the bus. Exactly like Mr businesses decision with his sidekick Mr pull it, calling Mike and Sydney's work gun battles on the moon, equating them with the Q people that only believe in dumb underground bases, and amazingly Bannon praises Tucker also, as well as fox news, just a business decision, right. The one program that is not covered by anyone is the talpiot program, which is running smoothly, unabated, and is destroying this nation. Amazing times, I don't know exactly how, but I do know Christ wins this one hands down, there is no place for either side, good or evil, to run from one another, this war is real and God wins.

w crew expects to grab cash with covid hoax and biden farce

2020 mi6 covid hoax made by ben lady di-biden-lynton-w-blythe-dalai lama hidden worldwide behind mask hoax in guest houses ruling washington from facebook fake news while cia biased dominion system accusing china to divert attention

even biden masked behaviour is mathematically and statistically improbable and impossible alone with mask hoax on face, kissing his false wife with mask hoax, turning head to hide jim behind mask hoax, masking fake tears on beau empty grave, stuttering and suffocating beneath mask hoax pretending to be healthy and awake for covering beau herbert bush ruling cia

guy explicitly explains that cia rigged election to expel trump not belonging to washington bureaucracy financing pentagon