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Acts 5:42 Let your Light Shine

Kjv Scripture Tunes
Published on 08 Apr 2021 / In Music

Let us use EVERY opportunity we have to tell others about salvation through Jesus Christ.
It may be:
* a visit,
*a phone call,
*a text
*a tract handed to the mail person, pizza deliverer, someone at the park with their kids.
*leave a tract with a tip at the restaurant.
*put one in when u pay a bill.
*give a tract at a garage sale.
*leave one inside a book you return to the library.

Pray for opportunities.

Most important, BE a Christian who is SEPARATED and SET APART from the world in how you dress, what you listen to, where u go, what you say and how you say it.
Have a good attitude and a smile on your face!!

Let your light shine out in the darkness of this world. They already know what this wicked world is like...YOU should BE DIFFERENT!! Be that breath of fresh air and shine God's truth in the darkness. 🔦🕯️💡

"And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."
Acts 5:42

How to know 100% for sure where you will go when you

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