Movie about voter fraud
By Mike Lindell

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Ok, can someone please explain to me that if we have this information, WHY IN THE HELL are we being subjected to JOE BIDEN as our President? Why did Trump just up and walk out of the office and do absolutely NOTHING? What the hell?!!! Biden is DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY, and here we are with all this evidence....and nobody doing diddly squat!

God bless you, Mike Lindell! I hope all of this fraud will be exposed, and people brought to justice!

https://t.me/patriotsunleashed/74 (HD download)
https://t.me/patriotsunleashed/73 (SD download)
https://michaeljlindell.com (HD stream)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/JXgEVkNHWTbA/ (HD stream)