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COVID 19 - 515 Vues
515 Vues
Publié le 21 Oct 2020 / Dans


Entrevista a Luis de Miguel Ortega, abogado que expone la manipulación a la que nos están sometiendo
Publicado el 06/08/2020y actualizado el 11/08/2020

El Jurista y enfermero especializado en Derecho Sanitario Luis de Miguel Ortega ofrece una genial entrevista en la que nos ayuda a comprender todo la situación que rodea a las medidas adoptadas durante esta Plandemia del Coronavirus.

Fundador de Scabelum, asociación a la que te puedes inscribir para apoyar todo tipo de propuestas para la defensa del ciudadano y de los pacientes.

En este vídeo obtendremos, desde el punto de vista jurídico y sanitario, respuesta a las siguientes preguntas:
-¿Cual es es propósito político y social que subyace a esta pandemia?
-¿Tiene el gobierno realmente interés en el bienestar y salud de los ciudadanos?
-Las estadísticas mostradas en las versiones oficiales, son reales o están falseadas?
-¿Son seguras las vacunas? ¿Por qué nos quieren vacunar?
-¿Qué podemos hacer los ciudadanos a nivel individual para evitar el total desastre en relación a nuestra dignidad humana?

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Desde el proyecto El Investigador queremos valorar el trabajo que está realizando Luis de Miguel. Admiramos su valentía, dedicación, capacidad de entrega y su buena voluntad por ayudar y proteger a pacientes y ciudadanos.

Si quieres saber más información sobre Luis de Miguel Ortega:
[WEB] oficial de
Entrevista de Alish sobre Técnicas de corrupcion médico-farmacéutica, con Luis de Miguel Ortega.
Entrevista de Alish sobre Pacientes Psiquiátricos en Desamparo.
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El autoriza la reproducción de sus artículos a condición de que se cite la fuente de forma clara, y de que no sean modificados ni utilizados con fines comerciales (licencia CC BY-NC-ND).

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 années depuis

Termination Date: 10-21-2020 You have now just been FIRED, so you can now Collect UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits for the “Legal” Time Period allowed by Your CORPORATION The U.S. Government, and The State you The “Citizen” so do Reside…

Why were YOU paid UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits while “Still Working” under (COVID19) Fraud and Malfeasance can land you The EMPLOYEE into Prison or Fines or BOTH…..., and not your EMPLOYER whom laid you off aka Furlough….., so I would not Sign this TERMINATION CONTRACT for money owed you anyway as still employed: by the Company or Business...

Hold onto this Writ aka Paper Work as “PROOF” you did not know you were getting unemployment checks while still employed by SUCH AND SUCH Inc, KEEP this Contract as you can now find out What PROOF not “Evidence” did your Employer have too “lay you off” for the Common Cold called CORONA??? Moreover, you The Citizen of YOUR FLAG can LEGALLY in any CRIMINAL COURT: Sue your Employer for “Damages” be it the U.S GOVERNMENT CORPORATION too any U.N. FLAG CORPORATION GOVERNMENT……., as you the “Citizen” have been HARMED by Fraud, and they “The PARTY” aka COMPANY – CORPORATION – GOVERNMENT are LIBEL too you the Citizen of your CONSTITUTIONAL: STATE – NATION – COUNTRY...

Keep this Document: but do not Sign it as in any legal matters once you sign the dotted line: you agree to the LEGAL TERMINATION Process of The State, and the U.S. Supreme Court…., and I would give a Copy of this [Legal Writ] too the UNEMPLOYMENT Office, and say: I did not know I was still employed while being “paid” aka Theft of the STATE you do so Reside; regardless, of YOUR Citizen “Domicile” location: for you the CITIZEN will held, and taken away under Trumps: RED FLAG LAWS of FEMA CAMPS, and HOMELAND SECURITY being told YOU The Citizen Stole from your NATION and in any CRIMINAL COURTS “OF LAW” that is seen as High Treason, Sedition, Treachery just as our “CEO” of this U.S FLAG Citizens {Unemployment Benefits} has made we Their EMPLOYER Break our OATH OF OFFICE to the STATE FLAG, and OUR STATE CONSTITUTION deeming all [U.S. Citizens] Traitors, and OATH BREAKERS, so U.N. Troops can now Police our BROKE ass Nation of Trillions upon Trillions of “World Debt” owed to the WTO, and the IMF!!!

Theretofore, Am I Libel for the Unemployment Checks??? or is Said LLC Inc., LIBEL for Unemployment Benefits under (COVID19) Lock Down during these last Several Month???

4 weeks to pay you off: so you do NOT use this DOCUMENT to file and claim for LEGAL UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits: Heretofore, File Workers Comp Benefits ASAP…

FRAUD on COMPANY, BUSINESS, and or CORPORATIONS Part… They are LIBEL for letting you STAY EMPLOYED while there is NO EVIDENCE of (COVID19) that such EVIDENCE to this date has not been given too any LEGAL World Courts or otherwise… COURTS Demand PROOF, and some one any one has to this writ: not given any PROOF that (COVID19) is real...

This is a “nondisclouser” CONTRACT, and I would not sign it; otherwise you have no LEGAL Remedy if something happens to people whom [collected] UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits while still EMPLOYED by the Corporation that put you The Employee on furlough…

If you do sign this Termination Contract, you The PERSON will be LIBEL for all UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits you took “illegally” from Your GOVERNMENT……., and Your Flag…


The Write In President for 2020 of the US Military Corporation FLAG…

Johnny Exodice LIVES and so do we… The Book of EXODICE!!!


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