ABC News Calls for 'Cleansing' of Trump Supporters in Wake of Capitol Incursion
As part of the Democratic Party, establishment media and Washington swamp campaign to tear down the legacy of President Donald Trump this week, the political director for ABC News called for a “cleansing” of Trump’s movement.
Rick Klein, who is the rudder on the corrupt ABC News political coverage ship, must have been feeling awfully emboldened Thursday after Democrat Joe Biden was officially certified as the country’s next president. Perhaps a little too emboldened, as is evident by what he said on Twitter.
“Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else,” Klein said in a tweet, which he later deleted.
Thank the good lord for screen shots.
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All 100 million of us? Millions more if you count the whole plant? Good luck assholes! Hahaha!