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A Dream Within a Dream & The Raven by The Alan Parsons Project

Hip Gnosis
Hip Gnosis - 410 Views
Published on 11 Mar 2022 / In Music

These are the first two songs on the very first Alan Parsons Project album, Tales of Mystery and Imagination, all about the Genius that is Edgar Allan Poe...

A Dream Within a Dream and the Raven are two of the very best Poems ever written, in any Age...Dream was read by none other than Orson Welles, and features one of the best, most poetic explanations of Jesus Christ's teachings in the Bible, of Taking No Thought for your Life...these "Fancies" that Poe is referring to are the Divine Thoughts that come to us from God, when we go within ourselves, Still the Mind, and Take no Thought for our Lives...and this is why Poe speaks to these Masterful creations as being beyond Mortal Man, which is why we must become the IMMORTAL MAN, by following the Teachings and Life of Jesus Christ, is my favorite Poem of all time...

The Raven is the 2nd song, and also comes from a very famous Poem by Poe...but this Poem is massively misinnerstood, The Raven isn't some "Out There" enemy of the Protagonist, far from it...Poe describes the Narrator as saying,

"So, I turned INSIDE one my amazement, there stood a Raven..."

Thus, the Raven is INSIDE of us, not "Out There"...and it isn't taunting us into Madness, rather, it is preventing Madness, by telling us to stay OUT of the Left Brain Ego, Nevermore...therefore, the entire song sees the Protagonist being Tempted by the Devilish Left Brain, and the Raven reminds us, Evermore, NEVERMORE...

It is pure Genius...during the song, read what I wrote about Poe carefully, and do your own Investigation into Organized Society's Obfuscation of the True Story behind the Legendary Genius, Edgar Allan Poe...and watch the 2012 Movie, The Raven, Directed by James McTeigue, director of V for Vendetta...Open your Mind to the Truth, which is what Edgar Allan Poe wrote...perhaps better than anyone else in our True History...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 61 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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