A CERN in CHICAGO since 1960s... LHC Particle Accelerator FERMILAB For Hidden Cult Secrets
JamesRoss - 597 Views
Published on 08 Jan 2022 / In Science
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5woJuiNhLE
Affected Collective Channel is unactive... she moved on it seems
SNOLab in Canada: https://www.snolab.ca/news/snolab-celebrates-dark-matter-day-2021/
These are just more Freemasons milking the tax-payers.
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Igor Mueller
3 years ago
The architecture is related to the communist Oscar Niemeyer, which projected Brasília and the United Nations building in the New York city. There is an exacly equal building in Porto Alegre.
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