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A Call for The Reformation Of Australia The Peoples Referendum
MTanasy - 722 Views
Published on 13 Nov 2023 / In News and Politics
đź“– [Read] James 4:7 (KJV) Bible
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
A peoples Initiated Referendum:
To; Unseat The Un Constitutional Corporate Government From Office.
To Reinstate a lawfully Elected Commonwealth Parliament in accordance With The 1901 Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution ACT as proclaimed and Gazetted.
To: Ban all previous members of parliament State and Federal from EVER sitting again. To: Withdraw Australia from the UN, WHO, WEF and pay the International Debt. To: End all foreign ownership of any infrastructure and food producing land.
From Truther: Tims Truth
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