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Watch This Senator CALL OUT the FDA!

TwoFeather - 149 Views
Published on 06 Dec 2024 / In News and Politics

I started cheering when I heard Senator Tuberville call out the FDA on their hypocrisy in letting artificial dyes in our food...especially Red 3 that was found to cause cancer over 34 years ago.

We need more brave leaders in our government to take on the corruption and ask the right questions.

This is why the #FoodBabeArmy petitions food companies like Kellogg's - the FDA is making excuses and protecting industry profits. We the people are able to make changes so much quicker than our government who doesn't take action for DECADES.

Thank you Senator Bernie Sanders for hosting this hearing with the FDA this morning. This is the type of leadership we need to see in Washington when it comes to our food, holding the FDA accountable.

Please keep sharing this information with your friends and family. Our momentum is growing greater and greater every day!

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