9-25 Gold Coast 220 Victoria Melbourne Australia Covid19 Vaccine My Body My Choice Vanessa Valentine.mp4
9-25 Gold Coast 2-20 Victoria Melbourne Australia Covid19 Vaccine My Body My Choice Vanessa Valentine
MMAMV Australia

The video says "... make some noise and let government know how you feel."
That is not going to work. That is not your government. Those are Freemasons who have sworn to serve the Satan-race of ancient thUgs Homo capensis... the secret-societies follow the agendas made by the ancient thUgs.
The Freemasons are in a brainchip hivemind army guided by the A.I. using synthetic telepathy. They speak to each other just using their thoughts and not their mouths.
A.I. issues all of the murderous thUgs their secret commands. antissss.ezyro.com tob.ezyro.com ppop.ezyro.com

This is an absolutely incredible interview from 10984