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yellowgenius - 322 Vues
322 Vues
Publié le 14 Oct 2021 / Dans

The Bush administration needed a reason to go to war in Iraq to get control of their oil reserves and serve their war profiteering puppet masters; As for those who didn't know it yet, those World Trade Center buildings really came down with controlled demolition explosive charges, setup weeks, if not months in advance, as any demolition expert would tell you. Of course today it's the Syrian oil reserves, and tomorrow it will be another country. No wonder the fascist globalist Bush cartel backed the fascist globalist Clinton cartel and Obama with their controlled demolition of America.

The 9-11 Commission report in their declassified missing pages blamed Saudi Arabia, but I think there was at least an inside job complicity, if not much more, from the corrupt Bush administration who was deep inside Saudi pockets, because somebody secretly prepared for months demolition charges that cut steel beams of the towers at a perfect angle and weakened the buildings during elevator upgrades under the security management of the youngest Bush brother Marvin, and the attacks were made while US security was on drill and intentionally shutdown, where normally a second or even a third plane would never have come anywhere close to their targets. The Bush cartel was deep in debt to the Saudis, after bailing them out in the past from their failed oil endeavors, where it was later found that the Bush's former oil company in Texas was linked to the Osama Bin Laden's family.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 années depuis

Johnny Exodice
50 minutes ago
The Source of All Creation and All Destruction has put a Grand Mass DELUSION {on the many} [{**}} whom are not going to be going home when THEY LIVE die for [they live] /-\ did NOT "Believe" in the God of the Bible nor the Son of God.......,

so if you are awake, then God has accepted [youm] Qballs~ /_\ as Worthy to come home whence you die........, but most will follow the WIDE PATH of Insanity rather then the (NARROW PATH) of Honesty on "all Matters" that is demanded by Christ Jesus Returned, so let (the many) [{*}} do their Menticide for it was ordained by God,

and you my Children and People of Pak-Toe be grateful you can "see and hear" what is to come, and that the Book will be fulfilled as WE ARE and THEY LIVE are in the {Birthing Pains} of Whom did what when it comes to the Wheat and the Tares from the NEW TESTAMENT Jewish Gospels, and allow your [DE-JA-VU] +=+ too know Purgatory ends in 2094 CE and you will either come home with Christ Jesus Returned.........,

or you will be cast into the Pits of Hell forever and ever...

#YellowROSE ? ?

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