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Episode 31 - We Are Watching, We Are Waiting - 11/11/22 - Part 2

† The ULTRA Smooth Stone †
210 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 15 Nov 2022 / Im Nachrichten & Politik
Part 1:

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The first story goes as so, Paul Pelosi gets beat up & hammered :D by his gay lover, who had an lgbtq flag and a blm flag at his house, as the place unsecured for that night alone, Paul has a fractured skull by a hammer, both were found in their underwear, apparently he is a nudist activist, a father of children of a women being prepared to married to another guy and they all live together, but then he got moved out to a bus, he has a long criminal record, and he is believed to be an illegal immigrant:
CDC Officials Told They Spread Misinformation but Still Didn’t Issue Correction Emails Show:
Alex Jones Striking Down a Drone & Satan’s Head with the Sword of Truth:
Liberal Media Calls For "Covid Amnesty", Says We Should Forgive The Lockdowns And Vaccine Mandates:
Stone appears to chew Trump out says Jared, he has an IQ of 7, I will get him out of here immediately, he has 500 guards, I’ll have 5000, f you & your abortionist b*tch daughter:
FOX claims it’s an accident that the results, which were supposedly part of another test, went public:
Interest on Government Debt Set to Exceed Total Annual Defense Spending:
Kate Perry appears to have had a minor stroke, as she has to mess with her face to get the nerves underneath to react stronger to force her brain to realign the connection:
Midterm Elections May Offer Last Chance to Avert Economic Disaster:
New Senate Report Reveals Deep CCP Involvement With Biosafety Concerns at Wuhan Lab:
Officials Across the United States Spread Misinformation on COVID-19 Vaccines:
PA Supreme Court says undated ballots won’t be counted; the RNC calls it a “massive” victory, despite the PA Dept. of State literally having had sent out 249k ballots to unverified voters for this election:
U.S. Cybersecurity Head Says There Will Be Errors & Glitches During Midterms:
Editor-In-Chief of Renowned Science Journal Ousted For Publishing Science Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety:
Liz Truss’s Phone May Have Been Hacked by the Kremlin before she had become Prime Minister, intercepting communications about the War in Ukraine:
Elon posts video of him talking a monitor of him going into a building with a twitter logo on the wall, and libs begin to pledge their exodus off the platform, & people are saying liberals twit the platform:
MTG refutes pro-abortionist, and says I don’t think your having children any time soon:
Reporters Explode in Frenzi of Madness asking questions to Biden:
Protester Heckles Obama Actor During Campaign Rally for Dem Governor, which has double the support Biden does at best, the actor diverts from the question, and crowd cheers for no reason:
Fetterman & MNSBC roasted by Tucker:
"You Didn't Answer the Question" - Hack Biden Adviser CONFRONTED:
Biden Adviser Won’t and Can’t Answer Basic Economics Question:
Biden official STUNNED silent by reporter's question of does Hunter still have stake in the chinese company & if not, is there transparency going to be proved for who has bought the stake:
Biden exposes airliners for not specifying that there are more room between seats on some flights, & hence sometimes you pay for a more flight than you want to sometimes, but he did this just to say this is disproportionate & racist towards minority groups:
Latest Project Veritas Video exposes Mark Kelly falsely advertising he is pro-life, when he is really pro-choice:
The View Hack Sonny Hostin Gives DELUSIONALLY Insane Reaction to Fetterman/Oz Debate:
FBI now using Babel X in generic & unwarranted mass usage to scan down all media websites. Babel X is an AI which can be used to scan any website on the internet used by the Department of Justice, this AI also can breach any password protected or log in to view site, the FBI this year put out 5000 contracts for it & invested $27 million into it:
Leaked Documents outline DHS’s ultimate game plan to police disinformation:
Leftist group Global Witness released a co-authored piece of propaganda disguised as an “investigation” with New York University’s Cyber Security for Democracy team (C4D) whining that Facebook and TikTok weren’t censoring enough, so Soros gives Global Witnesses $17.6 million to help them censor election disinfo on facebook & tiktok:
Migrant Caravans Are Preparing To Flood The US Border Ahead Of Midterms, Senior Guatemalan Official Warns:
Project Veritas released a leak from the FBI, a "cheat sheet" of "election crimes" that includes "false or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally.” despite having 1A right across from it:
U.S. GDP Grows 2.6% In Q3 Driven Entirely By Trade; Price Index Comes Cooler Than Expected:
Rumble, Truth Social, & Gettr is making the left afraid & the NYT expresses its fear, due to mostly republicans being on there:
The U.S. now has just 25 days of diesel supply — the lowest since 2008:
Code Red Warning from a fuel logistics firm affects Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, for coming diesel shortage this winter, which is also projected to spread up, and then begin to traverse west:
Joe says I have 16 candidates, when someone asks him about some dems rejecting or not commenting if they want him there, he says & I got another 20 for ya:
Biden spews several falsehoods & the Media refuses to call him on it:
Ilan Ohmar gives fake emotionally driven shpeel & the crowd claps despite the protesters calling her out:
Jesse Watters explains how Dems' worst NIGHTMARE is literally coming true:
Liberal media attempt "gotcha" on Kari Lake, regret it IMMEDIATELY:
Host tries & fails to understand Fetterman's broken rant on "Liberty of Stachoo":
Chuck Schumer caught on HOT MIC talking to Biden about midterms, says we’re in danger of loosing a set, but we’ll see, tries to downplay Fetterman’s failure, talks about all these places going red & them dropping in the polls:
Charlie Crist says he is running against DeSatan, voted with Joe Biden 100% of the time, praised Biden said he is great leader & did good job on inflation, his running mate called hispanic voters racist who also had kind words for Castro after his death:
Great episode of Hannity with Rubio & DeSantis calling out the leftists, also: These differences are about what it means to be an American:
Dan Bongino Reacts to some of the Dumbest Fact Checks:
Climate Crazies Damaging Art are Mocked & Cursed at by Museumgoers:
"This Is an Enormous Scandal" - Dan Bongino Reacts to John Fetterman Debate:
Warnock says America needs to "Repent For Its Worship Of Whiteness":
Furious Gun Battle On Philly Streets:
Abrams says if your over 18 you gotta social distance for social media, if your under 18 your probably too cute for that so I’m gonna let you stand right next to me:
Biden thinks Fetterman is “impressive” & “an Incredibly Bright & Talented person, who is just as capable as always”:
Hilarious Parody Of Democrat Ad Is Blowing Up The Internet:
Jim Cramer cries on air, & has whole broken man shpeel As Meta Platforms Plunge to 100.08:
Biden: “As They Say in Southern, “Doesn’t Know Where Y’all Been, Got Damn Boy””:
Biden says we are here today to celebrate micron investing, then starts to whisper loudly, 100 billion dollars, then talks normal again, over the next 20 years, here in America:
Fetterhead Dies & Stumbles, & his script says Trump Tax Cuts Are To Blame for Inflation, Not Biden or the Dems:
Lori Lightfoot is destroyed by the Four:
Biden Bumbles about Thanksgiving:
Gov Hochul says parents should consider masking their kids again to stop an unheard of new & spreading outbreak of Respiratory Syncytial Virus:
Kamala says Gas Powered School Buses Contribute “to Very Serious Conditions” & about health & the ability to learn:
Fox’s Brit Hume: ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like that Performance by Fetterman Last Night’, I have been doing this for over half a century, Fetterman is incapable of becoming a Senator:
The Biden Administration, Lying Since Day 1 |Supercut|:
Republicans look to Utah to maintain ground in the Senate, and have list of those they plan to investigate for criminal activity against the United States:
Democrats upset that Fetterman was allowed to debate:
Raynard Jackson gets called out by Diamond and Silk:
Biden goes all over the places in his words, thinks we went to 54 states in 2018:
Lib Reporters Get CLOWNED By Actors Pretending To Be Fired Twitter Engineers:
Kamala says she loves venn diagrams again & again:
Oz Camp Circles Biden’s Fetterman Fundraiser with Mobile Billboard showing their whole debate, and leftist reporters play it off like he is stupid because he didn’t do well or something like that:
Robert Cahaly: Mehmet Oz is the only candidate “breaking 20% with African-American women”, most minorities are trending towards republicans:
Leftists just give up on recycling:
Twitter is planning on charging $20 per month for verification due to company really being in debt spending, and if those in charge of building this feature don’t meet the deadline, they will be fired:
Hershel Walker Destroys Obama & Warnock:
New Senate Report Concludes Covid-19 was caused by a lab leak:
On February 24th, 2020, Dr. Zhou Yusen, a Chinese immunologist whose research had previously been funded by NIH grants to study vaccines for SARS, filed a patent on behalf of the Chinese P.L.A, for a new vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. For reference, this vaccine and its formula were developed and patented before the first recorded US death of COVID-19, and supposedly it was a traditional vaccine:
Politico embarrasses itself by calling out “disinformation”, that it reported on pertaining to the gay lover case of Paul Pelosi:
Seth Waxman, an attorney for Harvard College, struggled to explain to the Supreme Court on Monday why Asian American applicants were consistently given lower “personal” scores in admissions criteria than measures of other racial and ethnic groups, because they were adjusting for equity’s sake, race statistics remember, but nevertheless it is discrimination because we are equal not equil:
John Fetterman Refuses To Be Transparent With Voters Struggles Quite Hard to not stumble while speaking & speaking coherently:
Doocy Savages Biden:
Joe Biden begins to squat dance when Halloween song lyc starts up and appears to go to jack off with his right hand & a kid is just trying to get candy from him:
Jill stands strangely at Halloween White House Event:
Throwback to President Trump having a fun Halloween:
Kid Rock Gives Bill Maher A HILARIOUS Cardboard Cutout Of Mike Lindell, says I don’t like Trump, I f-ing love Donald Trump:
Joe Rogan Was Excited For The Red Wave:
Andrew Tate exposes the globalist plan to make men depressed, beaten, & controlled so that they do not revolt, but thinks too that one man one women is not meant to be, because without women the lower men not having sex will be more likely to revolt:
Tim Ryan Wants To Do Away With Prison For Nonviolent Offenders:
Michigan Voter BLASTS Whitmer For Her Disastrous Policies:
Lib tries to call out Qanons, but accidentally brings to light everything they are doing and have been doing in the past year proving them right, then says the Paul Pelosi thing is disinformation, and he looses it Elon’s Twitter not censoring them, because Elon pushed it, says we are doing everything they are doing:
Woke Journalists tries call out NBA player for standing with Alex Jones, he says I do not stand with Alex Jones or anything he did in pertaining to the Sandy Hook case, but then says, I was referring to a post from him in the 90’s referring to secret society cults in America & occults, and its true so, then the guy keeps saying you are promoting stuff, & he says you do the same thing and its not promotion, he tries to make an excuse for himself & cuts the NBA player off saying why did you promote, and won’t stop talking, then the guy tries to claim he is doing anti-Semitic posts, NBA player says don’t dehumanize me, he says I am human I can post what I want, and then moves on from the reporter cause he won’t stop talking and being stupid:
Opponent SLAMS Schumer With Savage Attack:
Natural Blend to Increase Men’s Erections Found:
8 Best pressure points to treat body pains and aches:
5G signal goes off, and 5 vaccinated people drop dead from a heart attack at the same time:
So now we know what those weird shaped 5G towers are for, Electromagnetic Nano-networks in the TeraHertz band, can control network of nanomachines, send phemtosecond long pulses, can overlay any large network, like LTE, BlueTooth, but also MAC address protocol for examples, raw graphene amplifies the signals btw, so the towers were built before the vaccine, which further pushes this was all intentional:
Grounding found to help reduce damage from electromagnetic waves amplified by graphene:
New images of beyond nanotechnology, entire microcircuitry found in Pfizer vaccine, and the Morgellion is actually built to interact with complex circuits & move them around:
The microtechnology in Pfiser vaccine found to not work for long properly and essentially stop working correctly to the point where it burns out if the graphene is removed from the body, which is not possible except with blood filter, but the effect of the graphene can be stopped from effecting the microtechnology by taking zeolite, also to counter the chain-cutting by the graphene molecule strands, it is recommended you usually can just take vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C. All antioxidants. So this explains why they put up the towers, in case we found out how jack the communication between the graphene nanotechnology & the microtechnology:
Hydra Vulguris, an organism simple enough in nature that doesn’t die, that if cut into pieces can assemble into more Hydras like a worm or better reform into the previous hydra, found to be inside the jab. This specific Hydra is found to be able to interact & control the other parasites found in the vaccines, and all of them including the Hydra are found to be able to produce neuropeptides, toxins, & the like, in order to potentially seize control of let’s say a fish for example, to make it think it is going somewhere when it was trying to go the other direction to get it, also found hydrogel dispensers which leak some sort of liquid over time, superconducting material also found, each vial is randomized, illegal experimentation & tracking, privacy violations:
Another Morgellion found in the vaccine, which pulls in the excess crystals that don’t have circuitry to grow in size:
Increase in wifi frequency around the world causes birds to go crazy:
Presence of graphene in a drop of blood from a vaccinated person, seen in a cell phone microscope scanner & it gave out a mac id address & appeared on bluetooth, the vaccinated person was worried the graphene tentacle squid looking thing this was going to degrade & poison her blood supply, but to her saving grace it didn’t, & it won’t:
Certain medications & drugs especially for surgery causes some graphene to break down in animals & people, causing them to emit large EMF:
Dr. José Luis Sevillano: COVID clinical picture is the same as that of an acute radiation syndrome (ARS), in other words, non-nuclear radiation can trigger flu but also covid-like symptoms:
So according to this guy, the max amount of outside voltage braincells can tolerate is 0.2mV, your phone fluctuates between 0.013 – 2.4mV, when receiving a call it can peak to 35mV, and near a transmitting antennae it can fluctuate between 50 to 120 mV:
Refined Vegetable Oils found to be inflammatory causing gene damage, heart attacks & more, restaurants then heat & cool, heat & cool these things, which makes them even more dangerous, even causing altides to be found in fries, which can kill a person & cause cancer:
Poisoning in Food Markets Video:
A Government Report of Germany show that Covid Shots are Causing Massive Infertility, Miscarriages, and Stillbirths:
Nunes: Trump sues CORRUPT NY Attorney General in FL:
KJP forced to explain why WH had to delete misinformation, a lie in fact, on Twitter:
Hack Liz Cheney says I disagree with Pelosi on most terms, but "She is a tremendous leader. I have watched her up close. She is a leader of historic consequence." She is committed to the truth, as they are on the Jan 6th committee together:
Jean-Pierre LIES to Doocy's Face After He Calls Out Democrat Hypocrisy:
Biden Lies for Thirty Seconds Straight:
Biden Struggles to Remember What Century We're Living in:
Debbie Wasserman Schultz BEGS Crowd to Cheer for Biden & says you wanna change people’s lives:
Ted Cruz calls out new Chelsi Clinton Actor:
Mark Levin destroys the left:
Lib Bill Maher hilariously ROASTS snowflake generation with Halloween costume, it was actually funny:
Joy Behar spills lie after lie:
Kari Lake Sees Record Donation of half a million After Liz Cheney Denounces Her:
Dr. Phil Yeats Fetterman In Interview With Joe Rogan:
Economist Glenn Loury Smash’s Ibram X Kendi's Whole Career:
CNN calls out Katie Hobb for not debating Kari Lake & Marco Lopez, she gives answers that would never fly in the political realm, she says the debates will not ever effect the elections, she knows it is prob rigged for her:
SCOTUS Hearing SLAMS Liz Warren over native american ancestory lore:
DeSantis releases keep Florida free ad:
Charlie Crist says if scientists think we need masks reimposed, as governor I would follow suit:
Jim Craimer Shocks Co-Host By Saying We Need Government Propraganda to make sure there is defined truth, and that we tend to think of Authoritarian Governments that we didn’t like, the Co-Host says I think of Shang-Hai Disney, those poor people:
WH Press Sec Admits They Still Use FB To Censor Speech:
KJP says that white house does not submit examples from the censorship team:
AOC Gets Roasted For Pronouncing Chicken Nuggets Weird In Video, & she says we must have got under a little billionaire skin, because all her mentions are gone on Twitter:
KJP goes after Mega MAGA Republicans:
Washington Dem Gives Wacked Out Answer As To If Men Should Compete In Sports With Women & crowd is confused & gets pissed:
Raphael Warnock spreads lies suable via defamation & false advertising saying Herschel is trying to give babies’ rights over to himself :D :D :D :D
Fetterman barely can read script, barely can talk, starts to speak incoherently like an Alzheimers victim, and then says "Thankscoming", nevermind:
Biden says hurricane ivan, but corrects himself:
Doocy Ask KJP If Biden Thinks GOP Voters are a Threat to Democracy, she says no, but then Doocy tricks her into condemning mega maga republicans as threats to the country, because then the GOP would be okay with them, meaning she is talking about us & was lying to save face:
TikTok Obama Tries to Save Democrats from Disaster —With a TikTok Collaboration:
Biden Claims He Spoke To Man Who “Invented” Insulin, diverts from saying how he raised the price of diabetes:
TikTok Influencer faces criminal charges after posting video of her hitting a golf ball & accidentally letting go over her club into the Grand Canyon:
Winsome Sears condemns lockdowns:
Luke Bryan brings DeSantis on stage to raise money for Florida! Leftists try to cancel him!
MSNBC claims Trump Supporter Tried to Assassinate Nancy, in even phonier report than the Pelosi Lover Report:
Beto Debuts A Most Cringe-Inducing Campaign Video of All Time:
Union Station has become a homeless shelter pretty much:
AOC Picks Fight With Elon Musk – Backfires INSTANTLY:
Kari Lake Responds PERFECTLY to Latest Desperate Attack:
The Future of Labor Is in the Future, Biden says, then he continued with the future is about the future, but offered no comparison to the past:
Biden thinks that if a lightning storm takes out electricity to your house, you can charge your ev from the house still, the crowd thinks he is just joking:
So Brazil had their elections, and they turned out in even more numbers in last time to vote against their tyranny, but once again, a far-left socialist was elected, and a massive protest broke out immediately:
Julia Song: Brazilians “very much disappointed” if Bolsonaro gives up:
CNBC Guest Beats On Liberal Host After Elon Buys Twitter:
Lake LEVELS Woke Reporters, Makes Them Freak Out:
In Bizarre Speech, John Fetterman Claims He Is “Right Here In China”:
View Host Says She Read Poll The Other Day That Said White Republican Suburban Women are going to vote Republican, but then the view host said its like Roaches Voting For Raid… Then the other host calls her out saying you had different view on abortion not to long ago, your offending & disenfranchising voters, and then the crazy host reveals she has no sympathy!!!!!!
Democrats destroyed by Gutfeld:
Libs complain that strict voter id laws disenfranchise trans voters because it makes them go by their true name & gender; also the states reported here with strict voter id laws are AZ, WI, OH, IN, ND, MO, WY, KS, AR, MS, TN, GA, that means only 12 out 50 states have strict voter id laws, this is a major issue:
CNN Refuses To Acknowledge The Reality Of The Biden Recession:
Biden claims he was the poorest man in congress:
“Worst Senator On Border Security”: Blake Masters NUKES Mark Kelly:
NPR air live recording of abortion, to try to promote, instead it turns viewers the other way, the video we have here only has the audio b/c Dinesh D’Souza thought it best & rightly so that we don’t have to see it:
Bumbling Biden Condemns Riots But Calls For Americans To Solve Differences Peacefully At The "Battle Boc, Battle Boc, Ballot Box”:
Disorderly Whitmer Supporter Bites Republican at Tudor Dixon Rally:
Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Faces Life In Prison:
Greta Thunberg says COP’s are mainly used as an opportunity for leaders & people in power to get attention, by using many forms of greenwashing, activists must realize try and to “make people realize what a scam this is & realize that these systems are failing us”, and therefore she will not be attending COP27, also this week in a report, Greta while promoting her new book says we need to overthrow global capitalism & free markets:
“Choice 42” Releases Heartbreaking Abortion Story:
Kerpen: Biden still has "no vax, no job" mandates in place as election nears:
Orlando Democrat exposes Ballot brokers going around and breaking state law, exploiting Black voters:
Supreme Court Blocks Congress from getting Trump’s Tax Returns before midterms:
Hillary Clinton: Biden & Democrats Have Done “Truly Impressive” Job on Inflation, & spew lie about lowering price of insulin:
NYC's “Naked” Cowboy Wants Zeldin for Gov, makes whole song for him:
"Get Ready" - Trump Comes Just Short of Announcing 2024 Run, but doesn’t “because we have to win”:
Dwayne Wade's Ex Brings him to court to try to prevent the further transitioning of their Son Zaya Wade:
Kevin Liles, Records Label Exec, Blames Rappers' Deaths On Hip-Hop, but it’s America’s fault, An "Oppressive Country", because he doesn’t kill anybody & he listens to more hip-hop than most, says music doesn’t kill, gun kills, black education kills, racism kills, & white supremacy kills, hip-hop doesn’t kill, people kill people:
Megyn Kelly SLAMS Dr. Fauci and Reveals the Truth About His Lies: "GOOD RIDDANCE"!:
Anti-2A Lawmaker Admits His Gun Laws Are Designed To Control Law Abiding Citizens Not Criminals:
PayPal figures the cat's out of the bag, and they got caught, so now that they got exposed, they reinstated the $2500 fee for misinformation in a new policy:
The two people who helped expose the CEO of Konnech went to Arizona & got arrested on some bullcrap charges, & they send the CEO back to China:
Antifa in Portland Is Boasting about Committing Regular Voter Fraud:
Top Detroit Election Official Admits UNDER OATH that Thugs Tasked With “Security” In Upcoming Election At Detroit’s Former TCF Center Are “Volunteers” Who He Also Calls “Poll Workers”:
There were two rallies in the same day, one of them Fetterman introduces Obama & literally all the American Flags get blown down by the wind, and the other one has sunnier weather & there is a full rainbow:
The fear of the humbling method of conversion of God, which bolsters His power silences Logan Paul:
Flashback: After months of inaction, Google has finally removed all QAnon apps that violated terms of service from its store, Google told Media Matters the apps were removed for “distributing misleading or harmful information”:
The 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact:
Nunes: GOP states preventing woke corporations from election meddling, meanwhile Cali has low turn out which is strange, because normally the left would have used the ballots to help rig more of the vote:
Lebron James Trashes Dallas Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones response to Kneeling Protest:
Whites hate their race, but race makes black’s identity social experiment shows:
A trans woman & a crazier trans woman fight it out on twitter:
Steven Colbert offers Funny Punk Apology, offers a rare correction, an apology for denying the dearborn speaker’s identity who was at the Tudor event on little mack & 15 mile, the now independent Khalil Othman’s, a muslim with 5 kids & a wife, who voted red all the way down, says its a terrible thing for someone to deny your existence, just ask trans people:
Giving away money in da HOOD dressed as Jeffrey Dahmer, it is an insane video, even the druglords are suffering:
Joe Biden Vows To Shut Down Coal Plants "All Across America" to replace them with wind & solar:
Ted Cruz Calls For The Impeachment Of Garland And Mayorkas:
Dinesh Repeats what Tetron & Clint were discussing a few episodes back:
Hochul gets killed by msm host who lives in NY:
The Line is back everyone, the initial ground is being cleared for it, & now they are saying that there are going to be flying cars, due to their being no step down, that are electrically charged, being that the power grid will run off solar & wind, & that it is 20 miles long, only problem is if it is electrically charged, then an emp will cause all the cars to fall out of the air & the city will powerless, people will not be able to go down to fight, they are purposely avoiding a circle shape or bowl shape despite it being more pleasant supposedly because it reminds people of star wars, which is just an excuse because people would have a better view & possibly be able to get down, but this also takes away person's right to aquire land. Other smart cities are being or are planned to build with in other cities in Japan & Cairo, with self-driving cars, they will literally become new babylon:
Liberal Poll says Biden's Approval With Independents Hits New All-Time Low Right Before Midterms at 28%, & that his disapproval rating is 53% & approval rating is 44%:
Biden says no more drilling:
VIRAL Resurfaced Rush Limbaugh Clip Makes Fun of Virtue Signaling:
Biden Almost Wipes Out on Stage:
Liberals were dreading the election:
Politico Warns Liberals of Voting Machine Hacks:
Man Sentenced to Over Three Years in Prison for Sitting in Mike Pence's Chair:
Fauci Actor Blames China for His COVID-19 Response Failures:
Dem Gov Says Gender Identity Not Taught, His Edu. Dept. Says it Is:
The FBI wants 66 years to redact Seth Rich's Laptop They Said They Didn't Have:
National TV ads expose the pedo agenda of the democratic party:
List of What Democrats Deny:
20% of the Machines shut down in Maricopa County:
Most generations actually voted red, legally anyway, but those between 18 & 29, were 64% blue:
Meta’s quarterly operating margin is down to 20%:
New inflation data shows there was a large increase in October alone:
With 95% of the vote in, 52.4% of Montana residents voted "No" on the referendum, as opposed to 47.6% who voted "Yes." This conservative referendum was to make sure babies throughout pregnancies and after birth can receive medical care including for botched abortions, people are calling it the shame on Montana & the unimaginable horror:
Safety of Millions Hinge on Data From 8 Mice – Booster Formulation Had No Human Trial Before Approval:
DeSantis brings down the house after historic landslide victory in FL:
PANIC: MSNBC Shocked as Gov. DeSantis Leads in Miami:
Woman tells media that she voted for Beto, & TX granny says you better have not voted for that son of a b*tch, & she lies and says oh no I was just kidding:
CBS travels across FL searching for Charlie Crist supporters, can only find them at rallies, flags down every single car at a light, no Crist supporters, goes to a dinner & ask everyone there no Crist supporters:
New Whistleblower comes out, Joe Biden most probably chairman for an online gambling & gaming company trying to receive licenses from Peru, law enforcement & government ignoring his evidence:
CNN gets REALITY CHECK when they ask NV voters who they voted for:
Kari Lake sends chills down liberal reporter's spine: "Your worst freaking nightmare":
The View's Sunny Hostin Casually Admits to voting for her son via absentee ballot on live tv, says also she went to put it into an orange backpack, and said wasn’t there an actual ballot box, the lady there says let me check, and finds actually ballot box, so it concerned The View:
Deranged Lib Throws Beer at Ted Cruz:
Joe Rogan Praises Matt Walsh's "What Is a Woman?" But also Matt Walsh’s argument for male & female marriage being because that is how intercourse works fails within 5 minutes, due to their being couples who purposely never have kids:
MSNBC Pitches John Fetterman Presidential Run:
Gutfeld makes fun of the Dems:
Biden Pledges to Do Nothing Differently in Next Two Years:
PA Election Board Officials ILLEGALLY Tell Undercover Journo to "Vote Democrat Down Ballot":
Biden Says Elon Musk Is "Worthy of Being Looked at" as Potential National Security Threat:
Biden's brain quite literally SHORT-CIRCUITS on live TV:
AOC Melts Down Over Tucker Carlson, starts blaming tucker for her security & random imaginary stuff:
Board of Elections Worker Was Told Not to Engage With Reporter Who Found Unattended Keys on Ballot Box:
73% of the Biden Student Debt Bailout Recipients Plan on Spending It on Luxury Travel and High-End Food:
A NY Election Affidavit Inspector gets selected & it turns out that he became a Republican but in name only, & votes Dem, as the dem spots were already full so he went Republican to get the job, he said he wants the change the system from the inside first, the undercover journo asks him is there a lot of people who do that? He says, yes, all over NY:
Herschel Walker Quotes Ricky Bobby:
"Saving Democracy" Not in top 5 concerns of voters on CNN & MSNBC And The Dems Are Freaking Out Over the Election:
Election Denying MSNBC Contributor Questions The Georgia Election:
Portland Businesses Board Up As They Prepare For Midterm Unrest:
White House Will Continue To Label Musk A National Security Threat:
Joe Begins to go Babylonian Mode again, & then says I have been given a list of 10 people I am supposed to call on & they are supposed to ask me a certain number of questions, but I am sure they will ask me more, & then I will go on from there:
Herschel Walker addresses Georgia senate runoff with Raphael Warnock:
Grandma got arrested for feeding the homeless in Bullhead Arizona, where it is a city ordinance for feeding homeless people as crime, in order to discourage them from living there due to the drug problem, she fought it in court, but they said they will have to give 1431 dollars in fees & fines, 120 days in prison, & 24 months in probation, if they catch her doing it again, so now she feeds people at in a private alley, & feeds them in pantries in order to slip through loopholes in the law, she is now backed by the institute for Justice, & hopes reform will come:
Cargill family, a mob family, created stock company after the civil war that now owns almost all of the food supply and is zionist:

Music: Be There – Capital Kings; All The Way – Capital Kings

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