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Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry | NEW Documentary

John Houk
John Houk - 924 Views
Published on 22 Mar 2024 / In News and Politics

I became aware of this Documentary via Telegram The Epoch Times ( The Epoch Times post I placed in my saved file from 3/20/24 had this description:

“It’s a "very important documentary,” said actress Trish Cook, who praised “#HollywoodTakeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry.” This groundbreaking film unveils the truth about CCP’s takeover of the US by controlling access to our minds through film. Watch here!👉 [Blog Editor: This TET link takes one to purchase options to view the /documentary.]

This is a MUST-SEE film that follows Chris Fenton, a former Hollywood executive, and Tiffany Meier, an investigative reporter, through their journey of discovering how Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) takeover of Hollywood is part of the CCP's information war targeting the US population. Watch exclusively on EpochTV.”

Since I subscribe to The Epoch Times, I found the EPOCH TV link to the Documentary posted on 3/8/24 ( TET is largely an Online subscription journal producing TV News and Documentaries to add to their profit margin, Thus, they watch over their copyrighted material. For that reason I share Epoch Times/EPOCH TV information on UGETube – a video platform more enable to Fair Use doctrine.

HERE is the EPOCH TV description of Chinese Communist Party infiltrating Hollywood – America’s largest source of Big Screen entertainment (You should think: CCP Propaganda Tool):

“News: On March 4, YouTube took down the trailer of the new NTD Original Documentary “Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry” and removed the Hollywood Takeover YouTube account. The account and trailer were only reinstated two days later after a news outlet asked Youtube why and reported about this news.

“Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry” is an NTD Original Documentary that pulls back the curtain on how Hollywood is helping to further a global adversary’s agenda, the consequences of that on the future, and what brave individuals are doing to change the tide.

“Hollywood Takeover” follows Chris Fenton, a former Hollywood executive, and Tiffany Meier, an investigative news reporter, on their journey to uncover the must-tell story behind Hollywood and China’s lucrative union, which didn’t happen by accident.

The survival of the United States depends on people waking up to the Chinese Communist Party’s relentless literal and cognitive takeover of our country. At this crucial historical moment, the truth may be inconvenient to many, but we all have a choice to make: will we continue to feed the red dragon?

Official website:

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Join us for the star-studded red carpet premiere event of “Hollywood Takeover”:

Also the panel after the red carpet premiere:”

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