5G Towers, LED lights, Fake Stars @ Frequency
5G Towers, LED lights, Fake Stars @ Frequency
5G Towers, LED street lights, fake stars will use frequency to make you sick and blame it on another plandemic.
Your work is most valuable thank you, Diana.
“5g - The LED street lights are smart poles, the fake stars are likely the camera satellites, microwave RF from the smart poles and all the satellites is what is destroying the earth and people, those who survive if any will be back in the dark ages fighting with ai.” - sandy874

I am not vaccinated against so called covid19. I love living natural and taking care of myself as much as possible. I transformed covid restrictions to make better myself. I joined gym, started researching healthy ways to live and researched what is behind this covid nonsense thanks to lots of free time that they give us by ordering to stay at home. It really opened my eyes and I don't see the world as I see in 2019. Ivermectin is bashed even though doctors have proven that it works. You can take care of your entire self by visiting https://ivmpharmacy.com