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42034 DD 4106 ROBERT BUCKLAND of UFPSOMC ACT CONTRA LAW TO HARM LIVING MAN treason in the highest publish a bull of excommunication,against a subject

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Published on 06 Jun 2021 / In People and Blogs

42034 DD 4106 ROBERT BUCKLAND of UFPSOMC ACT CONTRA LAW TO HARM LIVING MAN treason in the highest publish a bull of excommunication,against a subject

Rt Hon Robert Buckland, Lord Chancellor/Secretary of State for Justice

…these multi bodies politick and bodies corporate and office(s), for their profit, and for the profit of UFPSOMC, in terrorem, ACT mala in se, issuing bulls proclaiming ex-communication of me, of my kith and kin and of the sovereign ;
…to wit before and aft the First September 2020 Robert Buckland, MoJ et alia did excommunicate the living—multi times refused access to the court of record/ court of common law of the sovereign ; did tell to lay a mala in se claim to their county ; county court did move my mala in se claim to another county court ; EMPLOYEEs, contra law, struck out my mala in se claim being not a jury nor court of record ; RBLCSSJ MoJ UFPSOMC continue to act mala in se in excommunicating living men. [ / ]

RBLCSSJ MoJ UFPSOMC excommunicate living man claiming them be mere property; RBLCSSJ MoJ UFPSOMC take from the publick treasure ad æfinitum ; RBLCSSJ MoJ UFPSOMC clerk for the same master ergo are working for both sides against the living ; RBLCSSJ MoJ UFPSOMC being mortmain bodies corporate act contra their Letters Patent terrorising &. threatening the living and taking their treasure to act thus. These are mala in se of the highest order—acts of excommunication of the living, the sovereign &. subjects and usurpation of LAW.

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