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Santa = Satan (Is Christmas Christian?)

Mary Tanasy
Mary Tanasy - 309 Views
Published on 24 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation

Santa = Satan (Is Christmas Christian?)

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago

Teacher…, it has now been ONE YEAR Since you wrote THE BOOK OF NONMASON, and in that time between Christmas Eve 2019 A.D. to this {Fractal of Reality} +=+ known a COVAX Covid-19 Christ Massacre in 2020 C.E. where “CyberPunk” 2077 would be a fun fucking game if this REALTY……., and Dream World Mixing [for a Time] did not have too happen…..., and in that my Rabbi….., how is it…., you are The Jew whom did not “know” HE was Jew.?.?.? Are you’m trying to play head games with me FREE MASON {Lodge Members} / * \ cause I come and go where I please with Contact Tracer Apps and Cellular [Tacking Data] on my GPS Blue Tooth Android to Apple I-R.O.B.O.T. phones where WE THE PEOPLE whom are “nonmason” have not been Kept in check..., and now that the {Grand Conjuncture} [{**}] has befallen only the MASONIC Populations whom Worship Money.., and Status., and WAR IS MURDER…….., we nonmason will just do our bye and bye “however” we do so choose??? To be Honest FREE MASON Lodge Members……..., you have NO LEADERS, you have CEO 33Rd Degree (Faggots and Flakes) known as CORPORATION Shriners – Eastern Stars – Demolay – Jobs Daughters – Rainbow Girls and a million billion other LABELS to say: I am not you, and you are not me, but get this my “OLD” MASONS whom run the City Hall to the Country Village: We the people know how to BLEND IN… We know how to grow our Food Seasonally, and store up for these [Dark Winters] between 2021 and 2025, and by 2030 whatever The CONSTRUCT the Great Work of PURGATORY becomes, WE ARE “always” remind ourselves that if Purgatory can not be Fixed because it is way beyond a SIMULATION, and more to the point a Place of JUDGMENT [{*}] where “no religion” can save you, nor God nor Goddess, but only OUR own Personal Ability and “Capability” too be HONEST with our own mind that We live inside that Awful Horror from the NEW TESTAMENT Gospel known as our Dead and Broken Moon La La shot with Nuclear Plasma Beams, and Bombed till she bled BLACK WATER, and even though Many of us Humans of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones NO MATTER what our EYES do from SOLID to Cubes, and Triangle Pupils in the Iris……., we know what is REAL when it comes to your MASONS [TV SHOWS] of Fake Space, Fake Medicine, and Fake Cures as you Practitioners, and Parasites, and Physicians have “no clue” how to HEAL THY SELF!!! Since no one leaves {Hell or Hades} this WORLD OF THE DEAD, unless, they follow The Oracle Chosen by the Source of All Creation and All Destruction of such insight as this……..., WE ARE [do not care] /-\ what you the “THEY LIVE” do cause you are The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, and you’m can repeat this madness every fucking {200 years} forever and ever OVER AND OVER with your {NEWS} World Order Military Empire from 1893 to 2094……., but we whom seek Redemption – Reconciliation – Reconsideration with our “Creator” and Redeemer know we can get [10,000 years] /_\ of the Older Truths called: the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, Heroic Age, and then return here to the IRON AGE in PURGATORY to try and help a few of the many “see” that EVERYTHING from Ink on Paper too all these Alien Invasions to Quarantines are just {A.I. Programs} our WORLD LEADERS refuse to disobey, and until the Leaders of All U.N. FLAGS say: We Are “REAL” and not just Backed Up Computer {NEWS REALS} presented over and over in YOUR De-Ja-Vu Curse, then we will Travel, we will find “ways” AROUND your COVAX Covid-19 V.I.R.U.S. Injections…..., and we will continue to kill you in SECRET in all Small towns and even Mega Cities….., and then we NONMASON will Pretend to be you FREE MASON Lodge “Members” taking your names…., your Universal I.D. and even these USA [National I.D.] Cards with that Pentagram SATANIC Star on your Drivers Licenses cause we got NONMASON U.N. Citizens in all places from Military to the Police and even the fucking DMV!!!! So, go on with your PRESENTATION of all the world (is a lie) for we nonmason DO NOT NEED Your permission to leave “any” location WE TAX PAYING nonmason Citizen Populations are not welcome…. The Book of Exodice!!!

For all in our Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition… I am going to STOP [all uploads] Qballs~ to YouTUBE……., so them “pages” remain as a MEMORY of this year 2019 A.D. to 2020 C.E., and all the BLIPS of Jeppo Jinx and The Write In President will be for {Research and Investigation} as I will pay “Vimeo” too upload a bunch of lose BLIPS from Las Vegas to New York and Miami of 2020…. Of course {UGEtube} will have a Documentation of MUD FLOODS + FLAT EARTH + COVAX COVID19: come what may….

The Commander~


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