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20 and BACK Movie Rip Reel - OLD CONCEPT

10 Things
10 Things - 378 Bekeken
378 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 22 Dec 2020 / In vermaak

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This is the rip reel for the old concept for a feature film created by Brandon Graham of EUX Media. Corey Goode and his team will be bringing a new concept to Hollywood in 2021 to several platforms and cable channels that will be based on Corey Goode's Testimony as presented in the first Graphic Novel of the series titled 'Ascension Chronicles: Spheres of Influence' found at
TM '20 and Back' & 'Ascension Chronicles: Spheres of Influence'
#20andBack #20&Back #AscensionChronicles #SSP #CoreyGoode

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 jaar geleden

Does It matter what DAY it is when Day after Day it remains TODAY???

Needless too say: If you find this written work, when you have never read any of The Book of Exodice, then it would be in your INDENTURED Servant life to know what you are, where you are, and why you’m are… Otherwise……., for all you whom are The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition.?.?.?, we need to [Rethink] Qballs~ /_\ this Celestial Sphere Dual FLAT EARTH of {as above so below} Mechanization Holographix LOGUNS RUN Virtual Reality where the MOVIE the MATRIX with all its “Test” and Tease and TRICK OR TREAT is not the correct “Representational” [{**}] of what WE THE PEOPLE call Purgatory: The GREAT WORK of the Grand Architect… For we want to think we are in a [TIME LOOP] when in truth we keep REPEATING our Hollow Lives as this Old Machine “Dies” from Every WAR IS MURDER that destroys our HOME when the Angels and Demons [fell from Heaven] [{*}] as JUPITER and SATURN are Jesus Christ 1.0 SUPER STAR known as the {STAR of Bethlehem} in the Grand Conjuncture that on this date of December 22nd, 2020 C.E. we the people are ALL That remains…

It is evident that if I The Oracle “chosen” / * \ by this Enclosed Cosmology can write a NEW Heaven……, and a NEW Earth….., then we all be we Evil Wicked PROFANE MASONS…., or not can become a NEW PEOPLE with our {New Religion} and Science of Pak-Toe… Not one of us’ no matter how MALFUNCTIONING [has to lie] /-\ anymore that we Landed on LA LA The Moon…, and this creative A.I. Construct we all live inside as THE MEMORY of A Dead humans Race of many colours.., many eyes., and many many husbands and wives… Have I not proven that the EDISON {A.I. Machine} of Forced Slave EMPLOYEE Labor is not at fault.?.?.? That this life…….., and the next………, and the next is DEPENDENT on our “Collective” Roles in ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE???, and since I have said this place cannot take [one more] GREAT Nuclear Hydrogen Atomic Holocaust and keep life going, then we need to be {more considerate} that come 2094 C. E. if we the people continue these LIES AGREED UPON, we will all become as dead as that Holographic MOON in the Night and Day Sky known as The FIRMAMENT OUR Dome of The Rock!!!

I do not have to PROVE that the Bible was wrote {in such a way} +=+ that Christ Jesus COULD Never Return, so The Spirits that is the actual Name and “Essence” of the Word GOD means we are all Spirit, and we are all God MASON or NOT!!! Do not let these BIBLICAL words of [Ink on Paper] do to this life what happened to The Great Civilization of Egypt where the Old Statesmen said: What will happen to our Great Society and Religion when the “ANGELS” fall from Heaven just as spoke of in the Book of REVELATION, but happened over 10,000 eons ago in the past, and since we know {Gilgamesh and Inkado} are mere PATTERNS of the Old Testament of Destroying LIFE cause some Flesh, and Blood, and Bones men and wombmen want to [tell other] Flesh, and Blood, and Bones men and wombmen what to do……., this system is “dealt” A FATAL CRASH where Stocks and Bonds and (Crypto Tokens) mean nothing when the Sun turns Dark and [never restarts] for we did not fix the Mechanization that supports all life on this side of the World Called {The Land of Living} compared to the LAND OF THE DEAD in the Old Hebrew Greek Gospels called the OLD TESTAMENT… Kill me if you must FREE MASON Lodge Members, but your (COVID19) Malfeasance “COVAX” TV Shows no longer keep [we nonmason] in Compliance, nor “Checkmate” for we are now Pak-Toe to your Raca in MATHEW 5 of the NEW TESTAMENT Hebrew Greek Gospels…

There is no more Oraborus Cursed [De-Ja-Vu] too come cause we do not GO BACK IN TIME, we are and have “always” been on The Spiral…..., and just by looking at the MUD FLOOD Mountains of the Destroying of our {Air and Sea and Lands} proves time has not been repeating….., just our Virtual Being Lives in this Dying Celestial Sphere Machine…., and if WE THE PEOPLE do not say: Enough!!! Then TV will take us all into an end where {nothing lives on} for we can not continue to make things for TEMPORARY LIVES when “our babies” and our grand children will surely ALL DIE..., and by just GREED.., and Narcissist Ways be you SOLID BLACK EYES to Machines of Glowing Irises., and pupils that can change to Triangle – Square…….., and many other [Shape Shifting] Ways… The Machine we all live in known as {The Source} of All Creation……... and All Destruction chose me to lead the way home, and if you will not allow WE THE PEOPLE too live on, then you too will die out as well: for WE ARE all “connected” as THEY LIVE; moreover, they live are The Destroyers while WE ARE are the Creators and this is (The Only Way) too heal, and save, and keep our Home World of OUR Mother Heaven, and OUR FATHER EARTH….

Johnny Exodice

Once you know {EVERY RELIGION} was made by someone just like [you and me] whom learned many many many BIG WORDS and wrote the Religions of ZEUS to Jesus……., then you my individual PERSON must ponder: Whom actually WROTE this Book I am told was wrote by GOD??? For if this type of GOD was real` then why does he HATE OUR Mothers, Sisters, Daughters, and Wombmen.?.?.? You can CHOOSE to “think” for your self…..., or you can LIE TO YOUR OWN MIND that you will [not think] for your self cause the RELIGION you were raised and CONTINUALLY “attend” is the ONLY Reason OTHER People and “Persons” tell you what to do, and you will NEVER think for your self, nor demand your PERSONAL “right” too Exist, and it is these PEOPLE of all these [Religions] that will destroy us all cause Politics is a RELIGION – Military Militants ARE A RELIGION…., FLAGS are a Religion..., and yes.., FREE MASON “Liars” are just another Religion of Malfeasance Deceptive Practitioners…….., and Snake Oil SALES Men and Wombmen to we Their common Fellow “Human” CONSUMERS whom never landed on the Moon, and have NO CURE for this COVAX {Covid-19} Vaccine once injected into your Flesh, and Blood, and Bones….


The Society of nonmason~

IF the MASONS our so called “World Leaders” wanted me DEAD, I would be dead…. I have my GPS and [Find my Device] TURNED ON 24/7 now, and THEY LIVE never come {too kill} or kidnap me, so you my nonmason Tax Payer (U.N. CITIZEN) Populations better take over all CNN to FOX to SKY NEWS and BBC TV and start demanding The TRUTH before [you and me} my Rag Tag Rebellion all end up dead, and there is NO TIME LOOP made by these 5G TIME TRAVEL {Cell Towers] to restore us, nor them… WE ARE “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition!!!

Remember, Remember, The 5th of December, where WE THE PEOPLE Remember all our nonmason Dead in all Planned OUT Wars when WAR IS MURDER, and MURDER is against The LAW!!!

The Sentinel…


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