17Jan23 WHO Plots Medical Martial Law in Geneva, WEF Plots Digital Slavery in Davos
OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
World Health Organization pandemic treaty plan to create "legally binding" powers to declare medical martial law anywhere and everywhere 4:03
Wall Street Journal begins to acclimate the public to CBDC 15:27
Kevin McCarthy declares his loyalty to a foreign country. Do you have a hard time believing politicians would sell us out to the highest bidder? 30:03
The digitalization of Ukraine — a video that celebrates a rebuilt Ukraine as the very model of a WEF digital dystopia 35:01
Davos sees 5 problems (all caused by governments) and a solution of a "New System" for each 37:48
Who’s coming to Davos? 40:56
Now 80% of Illinois Sheriffs say they won’t enforce new assault weapons ban from Democrat state government 1:03:09
Biden's "shooting people to wound" nonsense 1:07:00
Planned attack on food factories? Whistleblower says hundreds of food facilities that were destroyed were on a list of the US government. 1:18:50
Paying people for the color of their skin. You won't believe the amount they want to give people in reparations 1:22:13
Convenience stores playing opera to chase homeless loiterers away 1:26:17
John Williams’ retirement from film scores was short lived as the 90 yr old returns to film scoring 1:31:42
Alexander Graham Bell’s recordings from 1880's, never heard, are being restored. 1:36:05
Reports this week of Pentagon unwinding some of what they've done to service members over the vaccine are NOT true. They have a variety of ways to push people out 1:45:18
Ejected for a "Jesus Saves" T-Shirt. The giant Mall of America, which just recently celebrated a Drag Queen show for "all ages" thinks Jesus shirts are an offense. Jesus would agree. So what should a Christian do?
Eric Peters, EPautos.com, joins. And, GM ignores cars and pushes ESG to its customers, car prices have been sky high but going rapidly into reverse, a review of the Chevy Blazer, and 2:02:10
it looks like the Democrats are plotting Biden's replacement. 2:06:38
De-Digitizing Your Car (and Life) Simplifying your life for independence and REAL sustainability and durability. 2:10:48
The long march through the institutions of capitalism as evidenced by GM (General Motors) today 2:20:24
The media’s obsession with selling you something and how it destroys even alt media 2:32:33
The left loves the Fbi. 2:42:56
The difference between emissions and the CO2 climate panic. 2:51:02
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