17 states back Texas SCOTUS suit; Huawei tested software to ID Uighurs, alert police | NTD Business
NTD Business News- 12/9/2020
1. States Back Texas in Supreme Court Suit
2. Trump to Intervene In Texas Election Case
3. Whistleblower Says 'Interrogated' By FBI
4. Foreign Ties Behind US Voting Machines
5. Youtube to Delete Content Alleging Fraud
6. New White House Offer Adds $600 Checks
7. NY State Legislator Wants Vaccine Mandate
8. Lawmaker Proposes online Tax to Help MTA
9. Lawmakers Propose NYC Relief Package
10. Huawei Tested AI Software to ID Uighurs, Alert Police
11. Doordash Makes its Wall Street Debut
12. Elon Musk Moves to Texas From California
13. Delta: 700 on No-Fly List Over Mask Policy
14. US Cybersecurity Firm Discloses Hack
15. UK to Suspend Tariffs on Us Goods
16. Hawaii Offers Free Tix to Remote Workers
17. Free Ikea Kit for Gingerbread Furniture
17. Retailers Battle ‘Bots’ Targeting Products
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