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1 million or more dead. Their screams are being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE!

Disclosure Library
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Published on 30 Jul 2021 / In News and Politics

1 million or more dead. Their screams are being silenced by the media. It is murder. It is GENOCIDE!!

#CrimesAgainstHumanity #Genocide #Plandemic


Source: Stranger Than Fiction News

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HereAmI 3 years ago

Also, it is time you stopped pushing this "Virus / Vaccine" nonsense.
No virus has ever been isolated, still less shown to be able to impart a so called disease to anybody.
What is actually happening is that graphene oxide is being injected into people - the manufacturers of these poisons hide its presence in their concoctions by referring to it as a trade secret.
GO then causes cell wall destruction, to which the body reacts by forming the clots which we have been told are being caused by "spike protein", - but if the virus does not exist, then there cannot be a spike protein on its surface.
This is genocide, pure and simple.

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HereAmI 3 years ago

"Nazi Germany" was fully supported by the vast majority of the population, because of the extreme beneficence of the state.
The ONLY subgroup of the population targeted for "special treatment" was the jews and the communists; the former having declared WAR on the home nation in 1933, and the latter with a PROVEN RECORD of violent insurrection and murder.
I wonder what the narrator would have done in similar circumstances in his own nation?
Oh right - he would have arrested and deported all the Japanese and German Americans into concentration camps, despite the fact neither group had a history of doing either of the things the jews and communists had done in Germany.
Wake up you clown - stop spewing this sort of drivel.

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